Winter Questions: Snow and the Chicken Run

The chickens were ok, covering the run is mostly for my benefit. I don't really want to go shovel the chicken run before I go shovel my own driveway! I'm also hoping that a covered run keeps it dryer and less stinky when it rains. So you see, the roof is all about me wanting less work for me
The tarps are because I didn't want to be out in the run when the wind was blowing. Putting the tarps up made it much more comfortable when I had to go out there to shovel snow.

rngrbill, depending on how your coop is positioned in relation to the prevailing wind in the winter you may not need to cover the door. My winds tend to come out of the northwest, and the people door to the run is on the west side, but we didn't cover it last year and it was fine.

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