Witty Chicken Coop sign

How about:

Hoover's Hen Heaven

Chicks "R" Us

Hoover's Hennery

Here is mine:



Lil Chick Inn for the new gals

on the opposite side of the run

before the sign was posted on the door
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Chick Inn is great!
Hen Haven is great too!
Barred Rock Cafe makes me want to get Barred Rocks "next time".

Ours is just the Hen House
though in the beginning I was calling it Cantaloupe Coop because of the color. It was just too much of a mouthful to say so was easily shortened to The Hen House.

I have read a coop name board previously - that long box next to the Search button on top is a great way to search topics. If you type
"coop names" into that box that says Google Custom Search, it will search every topic on this site. I wish there was something that explained that next to the box - many don't know. Anyway, Good luck deciding!
We started out with a crate which we recycled into a coop, now occupied by the silkies...Cozy Coupe
Then we moved on to an A-frame...Mini Cooper
Then a bigger tractor...Coupe de Ville
Now we have a shed...Crew Cab??? Hummer???

The chain link enclosure with all of the coops and shed is referred to as the Egg-spressway...

Can you tell DH is an Auto Shop teacher and mechanic???!!!

My daughter, the trekkie wants...

The enclosure to be ...Starfleet Academy
crate with silkies ..."The Trouble with Tribbles"
bigger tractor...Galileo
sign above the shed (hen house) door..."to boldly go where no man has gone before!"
When my hubby finished my run, he thought he'd be a smarta**.....He spraypainted "Hot Chicks" w/the word "(Wings)" under it! This is our first time with chickens and I had to do a lot of begging to get them...LOL. Needless to say, he kept picking on me about them being dinner!
We dont have signs yet but we calls ours (not very fancy ) The big coop, the barn(cause its red) and little house on the prairie( its a play house converted to a coop) But I really like the Barred Rock Cafe and I have barred rocks so if you dont mind I may steal that for the big coop
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