Wobbly 2 month old Silkie Chick

Your other one may have wasted away. That's usually how it goes. I guess it does sound like Marek's. Especially 2 now. I find the younger ones get paralysis and the older ones get the wasting. Do you think anything came from the 2 adults you added?

In 2011, I introduced a Black Star pullet, who was healthy. This year, I introduced a rooster, who also was healthy. The older hen (Red) was acting "depressed" before I introduced the rooster.
The chick has been culled and taken to the vet for a necropsy.
I'm sorry.

They do look healthy, and may even never get Marek's, just expose others. And you never know till something happens; a chick can't walk, or an older just wastes away, and you may not see it till it's too late because they appear normal and appear to be eating.
About the older hen (Red), I had held her a few days before she died and she never felt abnormally thin.

Well, the necropsy was done and the vet said in a phone message it didn't look like the chick was diseased (this is not her area of expertise, though she does own chickens), though she couldn't confirm it. We will talk to her soon to get more information.
I did some more researching, particularly on bacterial infections, since the chick did have a wound on its wing that didn't seem to heal correctly.
If you figure this out let me know, I've had silkies do the same thing. Although I think I may have had Mareks in a couple too!!!
Did you ever find out what happen to your wobbly silkie...I have a RI red that has happen to two..One was put down the other one is hanging in there...I got these from a hatchery born april 5 2013 we added a few more mix of chicks a few weeks later. early june the first one got the wobbly legs the second one just started about 2 weeks ago

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