Woke up to a headless Duck this morning.


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
I just got her nursed back from a coon attack, now this... At first I thought she was sleeping with her head under her wing. When I got closer, she was headless.
Had the same thing happen to a young goose I once had, was underneath my porch and his head was gone. Happened at night and it HAD to have been an oppossum. Some meat was eaten off of it as well, and the head was gone. A raccoon would have dragged it some. A few days later I found a BIG possum right by the scene of the crime.
I'm so mad. I'm thinking a coon or possum as well. Yes and it ate down into her neck. Must have caught her in a deep sleep. She was sitting so peaceful with her little feet right under her. I'm locking the pop and sitting traps tonight. We have a hot wire on the top of the fence, I guess that isn't enough. Its always the special ones. Sorry about your goose.
Really sorry, we lost our Magpie drake this month to probably a racoon since it only ate the organs. The culprit also attacked our female Magpie, gashing the back of her neck but she has recovered nicely - but still misses her guy. I think the culprit must have attacked her first and the drake died fighting it off since he was very protective of his lady. We moved the rest of the big ducks to the more secure call duck pen and are working on reinforcing the big duck pen. I have heard of owls flying in open doors of coops.

Mr. Bill was DH's favorite duck and he still hasn't gotten over the loss. Seems like there are so many predators out there with a taste for duck and chicken.

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