Wolf and human/indian~wolf~ RPG~*(Need players)*

"Well I will trust you since you have that aura about you." Leaf smiled and glance behind him to see Kira and Song. He gestured them to come up with his head.
"What do you mean 'have that aura about you'?" Kyle replied inquiringly. He glanced at the man and saw his eyes wide open with fear. "Why are you talking?" he asked the wolf.

"Well I will trust you since you have that aura about you." Leaf smiled and glance behind him to see Kira and Song. He gestured them to come up with his head.

"What do you mean 'have that aura about you'?" Kyle replied inquiringly. He glanced at the man and saw his eyes wide open with fear. "Why are you talking?" he asked the wolf.

Leaf wagged his tail and caused a breeze of leaves shield the man's mouth, "Shut it." He snarled. He fixated his eyes back on Kyle, "Nice, warm, and fuzzy."
Leaf wagged his tail and caused a breeze of leaves shield the man's mouth, "Shut it." He snarled. He fixated his eyes back on Kyle, "Nice, warm, and fuzzy."
"Do you have an ideas on what i should do with this person?" Kyle said pointing his bow at the bound and doubly gagged man.
"ANymore?" Life asked, rolling on the ground admiring it.


"Thank you." She smirked, and began to dart off.


"Nice kill, now I need you to aim it where the neck meets the head." Kashi instructed.

"No...." Tornado said.


Kiba followed after her.


Okami nodded and laced another arrow in her bow aiming between the bears skull and neck before releasing the arrow.
Leaf examined the binded dude, "me? I would either make him suffer or make him talk." He huffed.
Kyle thought about it for a while. I suppose I could do both... with that he made his decision. He took a hold of the man's collar and dragged him towards the archery range. "You are going to talk to me or i will shoot you." Kyle said calmly but inside Kyle was seething with anger and rage. The man's eyes opened wide he knew that Kyle was a bad person to cross and he had heard him talk to people with that calm voice before and the people had talked back in fear of him.
Quote: "Well you did good." Life winked, padding off.


"Hmm I hope you enjoy this!" Aquila called out after Kiba.


That final arrow penetrated the spine to the main artery of the neck. The bear finally crumbled to the surface from the ribbons of blood.

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