Wolf and human/indian~wolf~ RPG~*(Need players)*

Leaf slanted his head and heeded in front of Kyle, "Hey you need to remove the cloth for him to talk!" He barked as the leaves sweeped away into the dense forest.
Kyle nodded and grabbed the cloth. He ripped it out of the man's mouth then he stalked off to a hundred meters away. "Now i want to know why you were trying to kill me. I also want to know why you want to get rid of the wolves!" he called to the man. The man refused to answer so Kyle sent an arrow flashing past his head. "Next time it will be twenty centimeters lower which means it will pierce your arm."
Leaf sat down and swayed his tail in thrilling joy. Just perfect, keep sealing and your mouth then he'll soon perish. Devious thoughts channeling through his head.
Now the man saw the seriousness in his eyes. "Okay. I talk." there was just the slightest hint of a hesitation in his voice.
"I tried to kill you because you have betrayed our kind. The wolves have been stealing our stuff."
An arrow flashed by his head once more. "Tell me what stuff and this next one won't cut your hair."
"Well you did good." Life winked, padding off.


"Hmm I hope you enjoy this!" Aquila called out after Kiba.


That final arrow penetrated the spine to the main artery of the neck. The bear finally crumbled to the surface from the ribbons of blood.

Tornado smiled.


Kinda grinned. "Me too."


Okami grinned to herself.
Leaf perked his ears and keened onto their conversations. Stealing from what? What have they stole? They're the ones who caused trouble. He snarled in his mind.
The man stiffened but he said, "They have stolen our sheep for their food when they could hunt other animals! YOU are a traitor our race Kyle Carter." then he kept his mouth shut.
The man stiffened but he said, "They have stolen our sheep for their food when they could hunt other animals! YOU are a traitor our race Kyle Carter." then he kept his mouth shut.
Kira stepped closer and raised her voice enough to be heard, without getting in Kyle's way "Did you talk to those wolves, or just decide to go after any wolf you saw? They may have a reason to attack sheep instead of their normal prey."
Kira stepped closer and raised her voice enough to be heard, without getting in Kyle's way "Did you talk to those wolves, or just decide to go after any wolf you saw? They may have a reason to attack sheep instead of their normal prey."
The man swiveled towards her and spat out, "Wolves can't talk! You should know that. Why are you out here anyway?"
Kyle launched another arrow and it split one of his arrows in half, "Answer the girl's question!"
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