Wolf and human/indian~wolf~ RPG~*(Need players)*

The man roared with laughter as he bent to pick up a fist sized rock. He then stopped in mid laugh and hurled the rock at Kyle. Kyle barely dodged it but it hit his bow. Kyle's eyes grew large at the startling speed the man had. The man hit Kyle in the gut with his shoulder.
Kira let her arrow fly, aiming for the man's leg to incapacitate but not kill him. She glanced to Leaf and took a step back, even as she set another arrow in place.
Song moved in front of Kira, gently pushing her away from the two men.
Kira let her arrow fly, aiming for the man's leg to incapacitate but not kill him. She glanced to Leaf and took a step back, even as she set another arrow in place.
Song moved in front of Kira, gently pushing her away from the two men.
Kyle had the wind knocked out of him when the man hit him with his shoulder. He rolled away as the man went to sit on his stomach. He got to his feet several meters away from the man. The man roared and went after him again even though he had an arrow wound in his leg. The man didn't care about the wound he only cared about getting revenge on the one person he believed was a traitor to their race.
Kyle had the wind knocked out of him when the man hit him with his shoulder. He rolled away as the man went to sit on his stomach. He got to his feet several meters away from the man. The man roared and went after him again even though he had an arrow wound in his leg. The man didn't care about the wound he only cared about getting revenge on the one person he believed was a traitor to their race.
Kira let herself be pushed back by Song "Stop" She called out
It howled in pain and fired its fangs towards Serenas foreleg.

Serena tried to dodge, but she wasn't fast enough. It scraped the side of her foreleg.

The demonwolf enclosed its jaws on Serena's leg.

Ivy fired an arrow at the beastly wolf.

It heard the arrow zoom towards, so it luckily ducked its head as the arrow glided by.

She threw her dagger at it, hitting it in the neck.

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