Wolf and human/indian~wolf~ RPG~*(Need players)*

"We can leave that human to torture the other one. Which I don't get why humans do that together." Leaf sighed, and padded up the slope.

Kyle had the wind knocked out of him when the man hit him with his shoulder. He rolled away as the man went to sit on his stomach. He got to his feet several meters away from the man. The man roared and went after him again even though he had an arrow wound in his leg. The man didn't care about the wound he only cared about getting revenge on the one person he believed was a traitor to their race.

Kira let herself be pushed back by Song "Stop" She called out
Kyle heard Kira call out but this fight had quickly turned into a fight to the death. The man was bent on killing him. Kyle rolled between the man's legs sweeping them out from underneath him. Kyle decided it would not do to kill hiim but to bind him so that it would take him longer to get free on his own.

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