Wolf and human/indian~wolf~ RPG~*(Need players)*

(My smart phone wants to be dumb)
"I am waiting for my friend." Kira answered

Song looked around the cave panting softly. She winced as another memory came back then faded away again.
Zeta bolted after Kyle. Before he could grasp his horse, Zeta embedded his fangs into Kyle's cape and drugged him down to the dirt. He dragged Kyle back to the binded man. He released his cape to speak. "You need to finish him off, and if you don't. I will." He shot a icy glare into Kyle's eyes.
Kyle glared back and said, "Fine." He walked over to the man and pulled the cloth from his mouth. Kyle cut his bonds and ran to his horse. Once there he mounted and unslinging his bow knocked an arrow and shot the man. Then took off trying to get away from Zeta.
(It's okay. I know how that is. XD)

"Well did anything spark anything?" Leaf asked, examining her.
"Something, but it's gone again." Song answered and looked around the cave again. "It's only been a week since I woke from whatever knocked me out. I really shouldn't be surprised I can't remember much yet."
"Me either, but we always can have hopes." Leaf smiled and swayed his tail around. "Can you identify the creature or thing that knocked you out?"
"Not yet" Song said and growled softly "But when I do..." She stopped and shook her head "And find out why."

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