Wolf Lake- Kimmel, IN- June 7th

Hey all, i'll be setup at wolf lake with my woodburnings, baby ducks and chicks and some general junk (it's my mommy's weekend away from the kids!!), and my friend will have baby bunnies, plants, etc. We'll have a brown gazebo type canopy (providing we can get it set up in the dark!). Hope to see you there
2 days and it's time. I probably won't go as might buy something if I went and since I now have the partridge wyandottes, don't want to be tempted. Altho would like to find a dominique pullet or hen just for giggles...
Im going to wolf lake and then Im going to the knoxs swap on sunday and then to the IN chicken stock afterwards.........I hope to see some of ya there........
OK, I skipped this one, so tell me what I missed.

For those that made the first one, what difference did you see?

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