Wolves of Forever~ The RP(Role Play)

Era nodded. He walked away from the creek looking for good soil to dig. But then he spotted then den he used as a pup. It was in between the roots of an old leafless oak tree.
Ezra sighed and looked to Eniel. "Here is a den..." He told her and climbed in. The soil was dried out and crumbly
Age- 5
Name- Niko (knee-co)
Gender- male
Family members- none alive
History(optional)- Parents and siblings were killed by the disease
Mate(optional)- open


Username- cowhlb
Other- wolves are forever
Personality- Not afraid to take risks, not a good influence on other wolves, strong, extremely fast, he is a very excellent fighter, a good leader, will be a good friend when you get to know him

Age- 3.5
Name- Suttin (sut-tin)
Gender- Male
Family members- none that he knows of
History(optional)- He ran away after he found out that his father had gotten the disease. He didn't try to stay and help save him mother and 2 other siblings from getting bitten.
Mate(optional)- none but open

Username- wolves are forever
Personality- Very shy, never fights (but if he does he usually get beat), doesn't like to talk, very independent, scared
Age- 5
Name- Niko (knee-co)
Gender- male
Family members- none alive
History(optional)- Parents and siblings were killed by the disease
Mate(optional)- open


Username- cowhlb
Other- wolves are forever
Personality- Not afraid to take risks, not a good influence on other wolves, strong, extremely fast, he is a very excellent fighter, a good leader, will be a good friend when you get to know him

Age- 3.5
Name- Suttin (sut-tin)
Gender- Male
Family members- none that he knows of
History(optional)- He ran away after he found out that his father had gotten the disease. He didn't try to stay and help save him mother and 2 other siblings from getting bitten.
Mate(optional)- none but open

Username- wolves are forever
Personality- Very shy, never fights (but if he does he usually get beat), doesn't like to talk, very independent, scared

(If you have read the rules and agree to follow them please put "wolf of forever" in 'other')
Ezra sighed and turned his attention to the moon not wanting to answer her question

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