OMGosh don't use that cheap stuff on your animals. Complete waste of the tiny investment that it is.

I've found that most people that say the vet recommended products don't work aren't applying them correctly.

Frontline is one, I must say, that's loosing effectiveness in GA (many vets are actually pulling it off the shelves around me).

Try Comfortis. It's orally dosed, and works GREAT. Only available from a vet, though. I wasn't really happy with Advantix, but I do still use Advantage and it does work well, altho I might have to apply more like every 3 weeks.
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I've had GREAT success with brewer's yeast in combination with garlic. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and have seen a few fleas on them, so I got some brewer's yeast/garlic tablets ($7.75 for 500 tablets) and have started all 4 of them on it. The recommended dosage is 2 tablets per 10 lbs. of body weight. I've used it before and had fantastic results. Keep vacuuming, wash their bedding at least once a week, and Frontline helps a lot, too. Good luck!
Mary Pat in Vermont
What kind of dog do you have? When I lived in CA, I just used a flea-comb on them... they love the attention, and you get a lot of them off the dog quick. I just kept a bowl of soapy water nearby to drop the fleas into. Some dogs have really thick coats, so all you can really do is bathe them, but shorthaired or wiry hair the comb will work.
I personally ALWAYS use Adams Flea and Tick. The spray and dip work GREAT! The flea-collar doesn't work too badly, but it will take care of the fleas from the head to the middle of the back.

I love Adams...
That's what we use. Our dog eats anything and all we need to do it throw it up in the air and she eats them. I also put salt all over my carpet, left it there for a day and vacuumed the floor. If you have a vacuum with a bag get rid of the bag and put a new one in. Salt is sheap, and there is a spray you can get to put on the carpet, sorry I don't know what it's called. Wal Mart had it. Good luck.
Bluh. How horrible. Salt sounds like a good idea, plus the fact you vacuum often, washed the bedding etc.
I would be so tempted to bug bomb the entire house if I found fleas on my dogs!
When we lived in west texas we used frontline but since I have been here I have never had a flea problem with the dogs.
Advantage - all the way - works like a charm. Here in SoCal we do not have "winter", so no die off. But with Advantage - we stay a step ahead - every 30 days! 35 days, start again!

Good Luck!
You can also sprinkle Brewer's Yeast on the dry kibble ..works well

I like Frontline Plus for the animal and Siphotrol for the carpet ..absolutely NO fleas here! I am terribly allergic to them!
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Im going to do some research!

As for my dogs Ive got Rudi whos my German Shepherd and Mary whos a small (35 lb) shepherd mix.
Ask your vet for Capstar pills for the dogs. It will kill every flea on them in 4 hrs- starts to work in 30 min. It's really weird how they all just come to the top of their fur and die. No effects on the dogs other than they scratch like crazy for a few minutes when the fleas start migrating. It will help you get a jump start on your flea eradication program.

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