Wormer for laying hens


Cayenne pepper and all holistic "natural" approaches are only good for preventing, NOT as a dewormer.

Wazine is the best thing to start with. Then you ALWAYS de-worm again 10 days later, you can use Ivermectin (which kills most) or use Valbazen which kills everything.

You always want to start with something gentle like Wazine though, you wouldn't want a chicken to get blocked from a heavy parasite load expulsion.
Not that I have noticed........Pop

I love this approach, Pop. Would you ever do it as a prophylactic? Or just if you have evidence of worms? If as a prophylactic, how often?

And I have to wonder if all the medicinal properties of cayenne would make it into the eggs...hmm...

I just use it as needed. Wouldn`t hurt to use it more often. The chickens love it........Pop
When you say pea size are you using the safeguard paste for horses? I've seen recomendations for using safeguard liquid wormer for goats.
Btw Wazine will only kill round worms and nothing more.

Valbazen is another dewormer sold as a pig dewormer that is being used on chickens. It also kills tapeworms.

Safeguard equine paste "pea" size amount can be used to worm, I've used it before. I prefer to use the safeguard liquid goat wormer. To me, it's easier to administer. However, I prefer the valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer over all of them.
When you say pea size are you using the safeguard paste for horses? I've seen recomendations for using safeguard liquid wormer for goats.
Btw Wazine will only kill round worms and nothing more.

Valbazen is another dewormer sold as a pig dewormer that is being used on chickens. It also kills tapeworms.

Safeguard equine paste "pea" size amount can be used to worm, I've used it before. I prefer to use the safeguard liquid goat wormer. To me, it's easier to administer. However, I prefer the valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer over all of them.

I just ordere Valbazen from Jeffers. It is suppose to kill tapeworms where safeguard doesn't.

What dosage are you using for the Valbazen, either directly in mouth or in water?

And for safeguard? I am having major connection problems with my broadband and I hate to search these days. I swear one of these days I am going to write these things down.
I use black walnut (STRONG), VERY hot peppers and mugwort. My chickens show no signs of worms but I have been doing it since they first touched the ground. I use the walnut on all of my animals. I KNOW it works to expel worms because my dogs/cats/goats were wormy before using super strong doses of the black walnut.
What part of the black walnut, how do you administer it, and how much?

Oh and how often?
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