Worming with piperazine dihydrochloride, how can I kill expelled worms in the run?


8 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Vancouver island
I will be dosing my entire flock tonight with piperazine dihydrochloride, how can I kill expelled worms in the run?

I routinely give my flock UPACV, garlic, pumpkins and herbs to try to help control parasites. They also bath in wood ash and DE. However we have recently lost a couple hens who were lethargic and separating themselves for just a day or two and then died in their sleep. Egg production seems to be down and a few birds feel lighter.

I understand that this medication basically just paralyses the worms which are then expelled. I would like to find out if there is something safe that I can use in the run to kill the worm eggs. Hopefully something that doesn't kill all the good bugs. This is the only wormer available here.
Your chickens may be suffering from lice/mite infestations and DE will not rid the chickens of these parasites, you would need to look at Sevin or Permethryn to treat all of the flock and their housing too... just something else to consider as well as worm infestations.

I will be dosing my entire flock tonight with piperazine dihydrochloride, how can I kill expelled worms in the run?

I routinely give my flock UPACV, garlic, pumpkins and herbs to try to help control parasites. They also bath in wood ash and DE. However we have recently lost a couple hens who were lethargic and separating themselves for just a day or two and then died in their sleep. Egg production seems to be down and a few birds feel lighter.

I understand that this medication basically just paralyses the worms which are then expelled. I would like to find out if there is something safe that I can use in the run to kill the worm eggs. Hopefully something that doesn't kill all the good bugs. This is the only wormer available here.
You're correct, piperazine paralyzes worms. Excreted worms cannot survive outside the host...dead, paralyzed or alive...no worries there. Worm eggs are always in the soil, routine worming and rotation of wormers will prevent your birds from getting infested. Keeping your pen, run, and inside the coop as dry as possible will help keep the parasite load down. Sand in the run/pen will help cut back on parasites. Sand dries quicker than dirt, even after a downpour. Sand wont wash out neither, not like dirt/mud.
Thank you for the info. I was hoping maybe lime or something. Oh well, guess that's nature, have to take the bad with the good. Unfortunately you may be underestimating our Vancouver Island mud. Even sand dissapears but I think I'll have some brought in for a short term solution anyways. If it's not raining here, it's probably pouring :) it's a trade off for the ocean, mountains and mild winters.

We had a lice infestation in full swing in the fall and added a dustbox in the coop with ash and DE and were shocked to see them disappear over a few weeks time. They go totally bonkers when they see me carrying the ash bucket in.

Just in case, I will spot check a few of the scraggly looking girls and see if we need to up the ante. However due to the liquidy poops I'm thinking worms.

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