Worms in feces, graphic and horrible picture

I have been fighting these little buggers for months. Look just like yours but orange.



I have taken a stool samplet to the vet, treated with valbazene, and everything else. Make sure you treat at least TWICE. one for the current ones, and one for the eggs that will soon hatch. We are not sure what kind they are. possiblity of liver flukes.

You can not get the Valbazene from TSC. Mail order it. It will last you forever and you can keep it in the fridge.
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I wish I could blame it on someone else....but its my fault apparantly... I give my birds ivomec by mouth, one at a time (I have about 60) twice a year. I assumed that was enough, as I have had no other signs of trouble. Those are my chicks, from my flock. Ughhhh.......I took all of the waterers out this evening, and in the morning will but Wazine in each of them. I guess I will continue to give the Ivomec twice yearly, but I will add the Wazine another two times. I have recently found a poultry vet, the next time I have occasion to speak to her, I will ask the specific question about transference from hen to egg to chick. If anybody has any comments....I am all ears!!!
Just for info..Valbazene is readily available at any vet clinic. It is sold over the counter without any visit or prescription nec. just ask for it. (common dog dewormer)
Has anyone had any worm-free experiences? How long have you had your chickens? How many do you have & can you share your methods?

Thank you!
I think it really depends on your soil, but I haven't had any episodes yet.....I use worm guard plus in their feed and acv in the water....and I know a lot of people say DE isn't a wormer.......I just try to keep everything as clean as possible....the chickens will be 2 years old in July.
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Some can be passed into the egg. My guess this is probably what happened to your chick it was exposed inside the egg. You might want to double check with Dawg on this though.
I'm relatively new to this....what is DE?

Diatomaceous Earth. Some think it kills parasites when ingested - but the overwhelming majority that I've seen say it doesn't. I understand though that if you dust the living areas (dust bathing, coops, etc.) that it may help prevent parasitic types. You'll need to do your own searches and make your own decisions about it though. All I KNOW is that if you do choose to use it, you need to find "food grade DE".

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