wormy chickens, advice?

Not too awful much.. we just spent 45 on uri meds and just bought feed and such for everyone for the month. That's like over $300 all together
I just need to know what to get that will work and do the job that's no moe then $20 and how to do it and how long and how long to wait till eggs can be collected to eat etc
Wazine will work fine on round worms. What i was trying to say is that they may have other worms you don't see, and you might want to use one that gets more worms. Most worms except round worm are not seen without a microscope.
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I just need to know what to get that will work and do the job that's no moe then $20 and how to do it and how long and how long to wait till eggs can be collected to eat etc
If you have $20, go to TSC and get a bottle of Safeguard for Goats, that should last a long time. The most effective dose I believe is 20mg/kg by mouth three days in a row. That dose will get roundworms, cecal worms, gapeworms and one type of tape worm. If you decide to do this, let me know how much your chickens weigh and I calculate the doses for you.


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I was just so confused on what everyone was saying. I'm still semi new to chicens and never delt with worms before.. thank y'all! Sorry if it seemed I wasgettingupset. Casportpony, I'm not sure what my chickens weight. Will the breed tell you?
I was just so confused on what everyone was saying. I'm still semi new to chicens and never delt with worms before.. thank y'all! Sorry if it seemed I wasgettingupset. Casportpony, I'm not sure what my chickens weight. Will the breed tell you?
I can make a guess on approximate weight if you let me know the breed and sex.

ok, well, I have 4 EE hens, 1 barred rock pullet (soon to lay), 2 Cream Legbar Hens, 1 production red hen, 1 Russian orloff Hen, 1 Delaware hen, 1 lavender orpington hen, and 1 welsummer hen
ok, well, I have 4 EE hens, 1 barred rock pullet (soon to lay), 2 Cream Legbar Hens, 1 production red hen, 1 Russian orloff Hen, 1 Delaware hen, 1 lavender orpington hen, and 1 welsummer hen
Okay, lol, give me until tomorrow morning and I'll get you some numbers!


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