worried about eggs


12 Years
Feb 14, 2011
Southern Colorado
So today I went into the coop this evening when I got home. The broody hen was on the wrong eggs. Her eggs had gotten a little cool to the touch. I had to get her off the other eggs and put her on her nest. My guess is another chicken wanted to sit on her nest when she got out to stretch and she had to go to another nest. My question is, how long will they last. Will they be ok? The eggs are due to hatch this weekend. I'm so sad she was so close. What should I do? How long will they survive with her off?

Did you candle them? If they were alive before she left the nest, they won't be harmed by her short absence. Hens get up off the nest all the time. It's actually good for them to cool off a bit now and then. She should sit tight from now through the weekend, though. It would be better if she had private quarters through hatch but there is still hope for your hatch.
Well I checked the fertility of my eggs and they are all fertile. She has been sitting tight for the past two+ weeks. She is still with the rest of the flock because I tried to move her and she just ran back. This is her first mature summer so this is her first time. I haven't candled them yet, I will tomorrow. Does it have to be dark to be able to see them? Can you feel the egg pulsating?


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