

In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 3, 2012
Hello, I have 2 peacocks I bought in the Spring, this fall I started letting them out during the day, and they would go back in their pen to roost at night, but then started roosting on top of the pen.. I was fine with this, but now that it's bad weather, Freezing Ice, I'm worried about them, when it's rained they get on my porch during the day, but go high to roost at night, what can I do to get them more shelter? I don't want to loose them to the Winter Weather, but they kind of have a mind of their own.... Any suggestions?
Get them in a dog crate or small pen by baiting with food,then get them in a fully enclosed pen with netting over the top.Depending on where you live housing them completely inside for several months is possible as I do each winter. Exposure to below zero wind chills,freezing rain and blowing snow in my opinion is just asking for trouble that is not necessary.My peas are too high in numbers and too valuable as adult breeders to allow for such shenanigans,,mine are under my complete control at all times.
I have a pen for them, with a covered roost, they just wont go in it anymore, I can't catch them now...They roost to high up for me to reach
Got them in their pen finally, bated them with food, they don't seem as happy as being free, but I am happy they have shelter again for the elements...Although we've had pretty weather for the last few days, and it's very tempting to let them roam, I don't want to have to worry about them being in the next round of bad weather we will have...Thanks for the help
If you clip the flight feathers (there's an article with pictures on Hopkins web site)
http://hopkinslivestock.com/Peafowl Wing Clipping.htm
then you can let them out during the day, and herd them back in at night (or when ever, just don't leave them out at night or when you aren't around because they can't fly). Mine started that behavior at about 5months old and once I clipped their wings they resumed going in at night to be locked up. Although they don't always go to their coop at night, they have tried all the accommodations available.
Good luck

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