I had really bad luck with New Hampshire’s and Dark Cornish but I almost think I got them at the wrong time of year. They were dropping like flies. I got so discouraged I got rid of them. I’ll never have a silky again. They are super delicate. I once got some black langshans. They took forever to mature. No eggs or crowing at 10 months old. I got rid of them too. I have to recommend sticking with the boring. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Red Stars, and White leghorns are some tough chickens that produce plenty of eggs.

White leghorns are the most hard core chicken there is. A lot of people don’t like them around here. I think it is because they are quite rude and want nothing to do with you. However, they produce eggs galore and won’t die just because the wind is blowing or it rains a little.
Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds.
When I first got chickens I thought that Orpingtons looked like my perfect breed, however after losing one to Water Belly symptoms at less than a year old, and then getting two more with wry tail, who are also not very robust I think I'll give them a miss in the future.
Also I don't really like the temperament of RIR very much.
Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds.
When I first got chickens I thought that Orpingtons looked like my perfect breed, however after losing one to Water Belly symptoms at less than a year old, and then getting two more with wry tail, who are also not very robust I think I'll give them a miss in the future.
Also I don't really like the temperament of RIR very much.

Rhode Island Reds might be the hardiest breed there is. The friendliest chicken I ever had was a black silkie. I’ll never have that breed again. They are too delicate. I have heard of Rhode Island Reds laying eggs faithfully even as old as 5 years old. People like to bad mouth Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns around here. I get it but survival is more important than friendliness to me.
I tested a few other breeds this year. Not a fan of the Russian orloffs. I wanted a confident bird for my flock, andnjust got ones more skittish than what I already had.

Tried my third millienfleur D'uccle male. Utter fail, I'm so done with that color. I love it, the hens are amazing, but the male's are utter arses. I'll stick with other colors of that breed for now
Rhode Island Reds might be the hardiest breed there is. The friendliest chicken I ever had was a black silkie. I’ll never have that breed again. They are too delicate. I have heard of Rhode Island Reds laying eggs faithfully even as old as 5 years old. People like to bad mouth Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns around here. I get it but survival is more important than friendliness to me.
For me, my sussex hens and rooster seem hardier then RIRs, but its probably just the strain I got? One of my two RIRs got sour crop early on, and then died of something a bit later.
The other one is doing ok, but is my most aggressive to young chicks, something I don't like.
In fact, she's a bully.

Easily the dumbest chickens I’ve ever owned, and I must admit I don’t adore their looks either :oops: (although younger me thought they and showgirls were just the neatest looking things 😂)
In general I’m not a huge fan of Black Stars or Golden Comets, though I must admit they are pretty hardy birds, and good layers. Mine just aren’t as friendly as I would like, and they pick on my Polish and Silkie (my pride and joy 😁🤣)
Buff Orpintons are the WORST breed I've owned so far, and we have over 20 different breeds. Out of 9 buff orpintons (4 roosters and 5 hens) I am only keeping one hen. Other then the one hen I'm keeping (she is a sweetheart) the other 4 are half the time snobby. The roosters are nice to me normally but terrible to everyone else chicken wise including each other (to the DEATH). I would NEVER recommend this breed.

P.S. There is definitely nice Buff Orpintons (the one hen I am keeping is a perfect example) but the mean ones seem nice at first and when they decide they don't like they're flock mates, death begins. I just think they are so many other great breeds why take a chance?

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