Worst Dentist experience EVER!!! Protect people you love!

that sounds like a Horror Movie!!!! ... hope your feeling better.. am so glad I have a wonderful dentist whom I trust completely...... yikes I would NOT have stayed in that chair.... I would truthfully have given him the telling off of his life!!!!!!!!! He needs to be reported stat!
As others have said, I would not hesitate to report him. There are far too many awesome dentists out there than to deal with someone like that guy. It almost sounds like an incompetence issue. Do you think that he didn't even realize that he hadn't deadened your mouth? The way you are saying that they were talking about how difficult you were being makes me think that they didn't realize. Whatever the case may be, that is just horrible. Report him.

My dentist is incredible. Don't let one bad one scare you away from dentistry! Mine is so great and friendly, I actually *enjoy* going in to see him! There is never an ounce of pain either. He is so kind and sweet (as is everyone in his office). It is very relaxed and low stress. Even when I have had a root canal, there was no discomfort at all.
not my best experience either! yesterday I went to get a cavity filled, I have a heart murmur so I have to take some type of medicine before I go, he gave me enough for 1 day, I take the medicine, go get my teeth cleaned, then yesterday went back to get it filled, They get me in the chair, and start drilling without the numb, ohh yes it did hurt very much... but my dentist isnt as grouchy so thats one good thing, but right when she was getting read to put the numbing stuff in to finish drilling.... "did you take your medicine?" "what medicine? I wasnt gave any"

Now I got a hole in my tooth from where she drilled till next friday and it doesnt feel the best!
Go to a different dentist, have him or her check the work and ask about PROPER repair. Take notes, and report the butcher to your states professional conduct board, and the American Dentistry association, sue him.
The AHA has changed the recommendations for needing premedication for a heart murmur. It used to be many people with heart murmurs needed it. The current recommendations say no premedication is needed. Check with your physician to make sure you have no other risk factors, but I'll bet your dentist may be behind on his knowledge of this change.
Patty is right. AND why do you have to wait until Friday to finish treatment? Even if your dentist was not aware of the recommendations now, my dentist would not have left you with an unfinished filling. They should have given you the meds in office and just waited an hour before proceeding. I have worked for a great dentist for 15 years.
Sorry you went thru that, how awful! I would report him, and I would seek legal advice. No one should be treated like that. Self medicate through alcohol< what a joke!
I can't believe they talked like that right in front of you. I would have been grabbing his hand and pushing him out of my way, and saying How do you expect me to act if you didn't even numb me? How freaking rude, and I would have let that assistant have it too, while talking loud enough for other patients to hear.
I had a bad dentist, he was just not very competent, he wasn't rude. I was terrified of dentists. I go to a great place now, but had a root canal done, and I felt everything. My dentist knew cause I was squirming . He stopped and re medicated, and every time I flinched he re medicated. It just didn't work, no matter what he tried. He asked me If I wanted him to stop, take a break, You could tell he felt compassion. I just said get this over with! I will not go thru it again though, unless it is a front tooth or something. I don't feel the numb meds work well on me! My heart even pounds out of my chest!
Please let us know what you decide to do! If you have any marks, or swelling get a picture of it.
That is wonderful. The medication doesn't work on me completly either, so I always have some pain. NOT JUST PRESSURE. Yet every dentist that I have been too tells me that is impossible that I can't feel the work.
I would assume that he knew, becasuse in his private conversation with the nurse, they were talking away about how some people need to self-medicate if they think they are going to be an issue!
By alcohol-prescription meds quote quote quote!!!

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