Would cooling eggs cause such a delay in hatching?

Glad some are hatching.

With a broody, you need to mark all the eggs under her the first day or two and remove any that get added later so the embryos don't die when she leaves the nest to care for the first hatchlings.
In nature, a hen will stop laying when she starts to sit, preventing protracted hatches. In a coop, other hens keep contributing to the nest.
I love this!
I'm interested in how this late hatch turns out. I had a broody Silkie last month & was unable to break her of it. So I purchased 5 fertile eggs & gave her something to do. Crazy-being December in Maine, but I did. The eggs were set to hatch on January 2nd & 2 of them did. I gave her 2 more days & candled the remaining 3. Two of them had a dark mass in them but one looked more transparent. I couldn't see movement in the two & tried tapping on them but this was my first time hatching. So I wasn't really sure. How obvious is the movement? After 3 days, I took the eggs out but now, after reading this thread, I'm wonderIng if I did the right thing. I thought about calling you, Lazy Gardiner. You've always given me good advice.:)
If you can somehow get a very bright light, I recommend it. The light must wake up or surprise the chick so that it flutters. You will be able to see it up near the air cell. It is unmistakable. You will need to hold the light at the fat end of the egg and cover most of the egg with something, I use my hand, so the light doesnt blind you. Anyway, I am so glad I was given this light. It sure saved the lives of it looks like possibly six babies that I might have given up on otherwise.

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