Would like to show LF Salmon Faverolles - Where to start??

Would it be a bad idea to purchase hatchery stock and work up, being they are so hard to find?
Don't start with hatchery stock. Some hatcheries have badly mismarked pullets. Meyer's has improved the coloring of theirs, however they are still half the size of breeder birds.

Wish I could think of a mentor in your area to help you out. I'm lucky, I have a breeder with 25+ years experience an hour from me.
I'm not sure if this is the correct section to post this so please forgive and delete if needed!

I want to show large fowl Favorelles in the salmon color.
Everyone mentions not to start with hatchery stock but rather good show stock.
Can anyone point me to someone that has them?
I'm willing to pay up front to start with the best I can get but being a rarer breed there are so few breeders I didn't know where to start!!
Would prefer if someone could ship, otherwise around N Alabama.

Thanks and sorry again if I am in violation!

Did you ever get a hold of some quality Salmon Faverolles? My wife and I are in central Alabama, just south of Birmingham, and we are very interested in breeding SFs. Not finding too many quality breeders though.

We are looking at Double Creek Faverolles birds in Texas, but hoping to find good birds and possibly a mentor a little bit closer.

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