Would love some thoughts on my coop design!

Your coop setup is great! I have a droppings board as well but it is flat and filled with Sweet PDZ stall deodorizer. I scoop it like cat litter daily and for 11 birds it takes me roughly 2 minutes to finish. The rest of the coop is filled with Grounds which are dried coffee grounds and I scoop any stragglers too. I've been so impressed with how clean the coop stays. I haven't been able to build an exterior run yet so my birds are 100% free ranged but your run looks amazing!
Your floor bedding is all used coffee grounds?
Never hear of that one.
How long have you been using them?
I used straw for a long time but it was too dusty, molded easily and smelled bad so I switched to pine shavings. I added a droppings board lined with Sweet PDZ and scooped that daily as well as any large piles of poop that made it onto the pine bedding so I could go about 4 months without replacing the pine shavings before it broke down and became too dusty. It was difficult to scoop all the stray poop in that bedding. I switched to Grounds recycled coffee ground bedding about three weeks ago. It was a tad expensive in that I spent $30 on enough bedding for the birds, which equaled three bags and the litter is about 4" deep, but this has allowed me to scoop the poop from the droppings board and scoop it from the bedding as well. I have started saving and drying my own coffee grounds to keep the coop replenished. At this rate I'll only have to change bedding about once a year, if that. After 3 weeks and the bedding has zero poop in it because its so easy to keep clean. It smells incredible. The girls seem to love it. I don't think I will ever, ever switch back to anything else. In the images, I have a picture of when I first installed the droppings board. I have no good pictures of the coop with the coffee grounds, but I included an image of my broody girl setup which does feature the coffee grounds. I still line their nesting boxes with either pine or straw.


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The only thing I see that you might consider changing is the roosts themselves, I see the corners of the 2x4's, 2x2's, pointing up, if use a flat sided timber, make sure the top is level not corner up it will injure their feet, I use 2" thick natural branches, grampa used 3" round dowels, I've also seen 4"wide flat rungs, just make sure the flat area is level so they're not trying to roost on the sharp edge of the 2x.
Otherwise it looks awesome possum, and yeah hardware cloth asap, coyotes can rip through chicken wire.
The only thing I see that you might consider changing is the roosts themselves, I see the corners of the 2x4's, 2x2's, pointing up, if use a flat sided timber, make sure the top is level not corner up it will injure their feet, I use 2" thick natural branches, grampa used 3" round dowels, I've also seen 4"wide flat rungs, just make sure the flat area is level so they're not trying to roost on the sharp edge of the 2x.
Otherwise it looks awesome possum, and yeah hardware cloth asap, coyotes can rip through chicken wire.
I'll change up the perches asap, thanks!

And the bottom 3 feet are hardware cloth, and we're looking at new options for the top half. :)


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