Would You Buy Mixed Chicks?

If you're using them for your own personal stock I don't see any reason not to.
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Do you mean mixed breeds or chicks from different places? I recently had a bad experience buying chicks from a different place, than I usually do. One had infectious bronchitis and it died as well as two other chicks that caught it. Im hoping the rest of my chicks are going to pull thru. I have a thread about it in the emergencies section forum. Im reading a book called the Chicken Health Handbook and it says its not a good idea to buy chickens from a bunch of different places. I think you mean different breeds of chickens tho. (?)
I have silkies, orps, plymouth rocks, about two years old, (tho I recently lost my orp) and right now a bantam ee, a buff wyandotte and a russian orlof, baby chicks. They are all getting along fine. I think it depends on what kind of breeds tho too. Whenever the people that I usually get my chicks from get new ones, I always research the breed first. I think its fun to have different types of chickens.
although I do have pure for breeding stock, i also hatch out mixed, alot of my customers prefer mixed, they are usually more colorful and unique, and ones i keep have turned out to be some of my best layers, so it really depends on what you want them for, I have a very beautiful white orpington that is everybody's friend,,,,Leghorn roo/buff orpington......you just never know what they will turn out to be.
I plan to try mixing some breeds at home. Variety is interesting and it would be nice to combine some traits.
Buying mixies, why not? Unless you're breeding for a purpose all that matters is meat or egg and the entertainment along the way.
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I like my mixed birds.I have had EEs for several years that are all red or buff colored.This year I added a large blue bantam roo to 5 of my young hens and have hatched some very pretty hens.I was wanting more color in my flock and this has helped.I now have reds,buffs,blacks,browns and a couple blue.It looks like this mix is going to be a bit smaller than the EE hen mothers but we can still use a smaller egg.I would buy mixed if I knew what they were mixed of.We really enjoy our eggs and use them in all types cooking,what I don't hatch anyway.LOL.

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