Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Thank you or all the support and kind words - it is very much appreciated.
Licorice is doing great this week, no vomiting for a while and she is bright.
She isn't gaining weight quickly but she's not loosing any either.

Do I put the garlic/ oil in her ear? Or should I use the Chlorsig which I have as well?

Are you laughing at me /lacrystol with me thinking her neck is twisting the wrong way LOL... It really does look like it is. But I'm sure she wouldn't do it the wrong way either heheh...

Well I'll keep updating on my super stars progress xx
HAHAHHA yes. I'm kind of laughing at your Neck is the wrong way. LOL.. Either way, the garlic/oil is just a cheap way to go in case you didn't have or want to go out and by anything..
Her ears look clear, it's just the way she shakes her head that I thought maybe a sore ear. Or it could just be how she is trying to straighten her nevk
Well that's why the garlic/oil is NOT going to hurt. One it's a natural way of healing, so there shouldn't be any complications or reactions. Second, if there is a problem this will help it, if there isn't a problem, it's not going to cause a problem.

But your there we are not so will have to let you make that determination, whatever you feel comfortable doing.
New to site, I was trying to respond to those who had Wry neck. I've been raising chickens for seven years and never had this problem before. The chick is ten weeks old. Following advise on here I'm giving her some stuff I picked up at the store. "rooster Booster" a protein liquid and "poultry enhancer" (vitamins) which I mixed with honey and water. I'll let everyone know how it goes. She is being feed by a dropper now. Thanks for the advise on this site.
Hi again, just letting you all no Livorice is STILL plodding along and is still ALIVE!!!! She isn't omitting anymore and she loves scrambled eggs lol- still holds her head to one side with a crook in her neck.. Her ears are fine..

C5pilot I'm really sorry you have a chicken with wry neck. Stay strong and continue to treat your baby.. I wish you all the best and I hope your chicken pulls though. I no first hand how awful this illness is ..
Oh, so happy for licorice
. Wish I had good news, but my little 2day old silkie just died.
Fancy at 2 days old it was probably born with neuro damage ( not uncommon in vaulted scull silkies) and if you gave it vitamins and it did not immediately improve it was not going to.

Sorry for your loss and go l!!!

She gaining weight?
Nah, poor little baby caught its leg in the tray inside the bator. I d say it was broken. I've been feeding it every 3-4 hours, but I knew it wouldn't survive. It's 2am I'm bushed, hopefully the rest will be okay in the morning. Thanks anyway.

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