Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Wow, you have a full house!! Are you in a property or suburban backyard house? I'm in a suburban house and have way too many pets lol.. I'm a single mother raising to boys and running a business, life is very busy at times :)

If you have treated wry neck before you would know what I mean when I say her neck seems locked at the base. It's as though it needs to be lifted up and over its obstruction as it just won't move forward freely for her.. After feeling it constantly the crook actually feels like its half way up the neck. Does that sound right? I'm still worried about it going the wrong way- only because the feather pattern looks as though it lines up the opposite way she's pulling it.. OR do the feathers move around because the neck has been twisted for so long?? Your advice here?
Also her poos , well first poo after feeding always is really watery, 2nd poo is still runny but is the colour of food. I'm worried why it has gone back to being watery? It was firm last week and I have not changed what I'm feeding. The only difference is I added fish oil tablets, but surely that wouldn't make her poo like this?
I have here some "Scourban" I use for rabbits with runny poo. Was wondering if you think I should give her some? It will stop the runniness, but I don't want to make herworse.. .
I know I should be patient as she is making improvements- but my heart breaks for her when these things have gone backwards ;(

When she was on the grass this morning she scratched her side if head with her foot & did not fall over :) the scratching seemed to go on for a bit and she managed to STAND for minutes today.. All good I know BUT I wish I knew what else to do.
Do you think I should take her to vet to make sure her neck is going the right way?????
I'd feel so bad if its ment to twist back the opposite way- :)

You saying you'll be here til the end means an awful lot to me :) thank you so very much ;) xxx

I also found this today on her- its near her tail and looks like a little tube of skin with feathers growing out the top of it.. She hates it when I touch it?? I've never seen anything like this- do you know if I should be worried??

That is her oil gland. She rubs her beak on it to get oil when she is preening her feathers.
Wow, you have a full house!! Are you in a property or suburban backyard house? I'm in a suburban house and have way too many pets lol.. I'm a single mother raising to boys and running a business, life is very busy at times

If you have treated wry neck before you would know what I mean when I say her neck seems locked at the base. It's as though it needs to be lifted up and over its obstruction as it just won't move forward freely for her.. After feeling it constantly the crook actually feels like its half way up the neck. Does that sound right? I'm still worried about it going the wrong way- only because the feather pattern looks as though it lines up the opposite way she's pulling it.. OR do the feathers move around because the neck has been twisted for so long?? Your advice here?
Also her poos , well first poo after feeding always is really watery, 2nd poo is still runny but is the colour of food. I'm worried why it has gone back to being watery? It was firm last week and I have not changed what I'm feeding. The only difference is I added fish oil tablets, but surely that wouldn't make her poo like this?
I have here some "Scourban" I use for rabbits with runny poo. Was wondering if you think I should give her some? It will stop the runniness, but I don't want to make herworse.. .
I know I should be patient as she is making improvements- but my heart breaks for her when these things have gone backwards ;(

When she was on the grass this morning she scratched her side if head with her foot & did not fall over
the scratching seemed to go on for a bit and she managed to STAND for minutes today.. All good I know BUT I wish I knew what else to do.
Do you think I should take her to vet to make sure her neck is going the right way?????
I'd feel so bad if its ment to twist back the opposite way-

You saying you'll be here til the end means an awful lot to me
thank you so very much
Hate to say this but her neck COULD be paralized, not saying for sure it is Just saying COULD be a sign of Mareks.... and thats why it stays crooked but I'm hoping with the process that she has made and now we are getting ready to go on week 6 that she'll over come this..

Do you still see white in her poop? I wouldn't worry about the watery poop unless it continues each day. If it's just one day, nothing to stress over.. You can try giving her some oat meal, that would help make it solid.. Watery poop isn't a sign of going backwards. Just flushing out the system. Backwards would be if she didn't poop at all for an entire day, that would tell you something internally is shutting down. Crop not empting, that would be backwards, shutting down. So watery poop to me, isn't a sign of backwards.

Have you been weighing? The reason is when you feel as if she is going backwards, weigh her, perhaps seeing the increase in weight gain will ease your mind and reconsider her to be going forward instead because if anything she should be losing weigh to go backwards and I'm talking large amounts of weight very quickly...

You could try the Scourban, it contains electrolytes so its not going to hurt her at all.. You have to be patient with her she is taking very little baby steps. Don't get impatient and try to rush her. She's amazing already to last 6 weeks and still going. Again, personally I can't believe she has held on this long.

SHE SCRATCHED HER HEAD. LOL that's great. shes getting strength.. YAHHHHH, Well when I asked my vet about her he thought it may be a case of Mareks and if he thinks that then chances are if you take her to your vet, he may give the same results but want to do an autopsy to before sure, if they do an autopsy. Well know what's actually going on but never know if she could or would have recovered from it. Of course, it would be your choice if you want to take her to a vet and get to the bottom of all this. I think she is doing GREAT, each day it sounds like she's improving more and more. Keep up the good work..
Thanks for your reply, I shouldn't have said shes going backwards. She is improving daily with strength, standing and even walking around in circles. It just surprised me her poos were so watery.
Look, I remember 5 weeks ago she had to be propped up just to sit. She would roll over. I would find her each morning on her back. Wow to think back to then and to see her now, she has improved hugely. She now sits whiteout trouble, stands, has scratch her head, stretched her leg out while standing and eats out if bowl.. Huge huge steps forward. Yes I should be patient lol.. I'm hoping the neck fixes itself. Cause right now that's all her trouble is. I just keep thinking if her neck was ok, is just be building her up now. I get a little deflated when day after day her neck stays the same. BUT again it has improved from sitting on her back . I was syringe feeding her back then too, drop by drop...
Ok, i can definitely put but all into perspective now. Saying and listing it like that you can see a massive improvement :)

Mareks was my next question to you. I was going to ask that could it still be that? Her only symptom now is that neck, & of course weight and strength..I was hoping that Considering she hasn't died or gotten weaker that Mareks could have been ruled out.:(
And no I won't be putting her to sleep for a autopsy... If I took her to vet it would be just to ask opinion on which way neck should go- I'm still not convinced she is pulling it the right way.
And I have read soooo many posts about wry neck I'm wondering if at this point some Predisone would help her? It may take another 5 or more weeks hey, I'll just keep going.
Ps- can I ask you what is your name?
Thanks for your reply, I shouldn't have said shes going backwards. She is improving daily with strength, standing and even walking around in circles. It just surprised me her poos were so watery.
Look, I remember 5 weeks ago she had to be propped up just to sit. She would roll over. I would find her each morning on her back. Wow to think back to then and to see her now, she has improved hugely. She now sits whiteout trouble, stands, has scratch her head, stretched her leg out while standing and eats out if bowl.. Huge huge steps forward. Yes I should be patient lol.. I'm hoping the neck fixes itself. Cause right now that's all her trouble is. I just keep thinking if her neck was ok, is just be building her up now. I get a little deflated when day after day her neck stays the same. BUT again it has improved from sitting on her back . I was syringe feeding her back then too, drop by drop...
Ok, i can definitely put but all into perspective now. Saying and listing it like that you can see a massive improvement

Mareks was my next question to you. I was going to ask that could it still be that? Her only symptom now is that neck, & of course weight and strength..I was hoping that Considering she hasn't died or gotten weaker that Mareks could have been ruled out.

And no I won't be putting her to sleep for a autopsy... If I took her to vet it would be just to ask opinion on which way neck should go- I'm still not convinced she is pulling it the right way.
And I have read soooo many posts about wry neck I'm wondering if at this point some Predisone would help her? It may take another 5 or more weeks hey, I'll just keep going.

Ps- can I ask you what is your name?
LOL, Lori, I don't think her neck is the wrong way, there's no wrong or right way. She's just holding it to the side, which is better progress then from day one. If it's Marek they don't always die from it, but will be a carrier for life. But again we don't know for sure that it is. So I really hate to be a judgement and say yes it is and be totally wrong but also at the same time, want to make you aware it could possibly be the problem.

I think what your doing for her is great because the process is slowly coming along. She may never put her neck forward but at the same time you may go check on her and SURPRISE, her head is looking straight at you as if nothing was every wrong.. Only time can tell with her but her progress is surely surely coming along. She is definitely one that does NOT like to be rushed. LOL....

Right now you could try anything on her, wither it's going to help or not I really can't say because again, I didn't think she would make it this far. OMG, she's just absolutely amazing, what a strong will fighter...
Thanks Lori, I weighed her yesterday and she was 667 grams... She has now been moved into a rabbit cage lol still inside but she is moving around a lot more now, & the carry cage she was sitting in isn't high enough for her to stretch up as she does now :) she is still holding that neck to the side- but she is alert with eyes open for hours now :) and she constantly walks around in her circles. I'm still thinking is this a huge improvement as she was listless constantly sleeping and only sitting a week or so ago...
I am praying she eventually moves that neck into the correct position. Cause she still doesn't peck at the ground and only eats what I feed her. I'm worried if her neck is crooked per mantle she can't survive and isn't having the life she deserves. Sure I can hand feed her 3 times a day but that's not fair to do forever... How long would you give this until you said its not going to move back to correct position??
I'm thinking if its still the same after 3 months or longer I'd say progress is limited greatly. That gives me about 6 more weeks to get this little fighter back on track so she can be a chicken again...
She clucks at me now when she see's me Lol, it's like she knows its feeding time- Bless her!!!
I am surprised at how alert she is and her behaviour has down a 180.... From falling over and looking dead to this today is truly amazing :) I love my little " Licorice"

The ONLY thing that wrong with her now s this bloody crook neck.. I'm so proud of her, & I have become touched and bonded to her after spending many hours with her keeping her alive. She is one special girl whom will always have a very soft spot in my heart...

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