Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Debbie I'm praying for you and licorice daily. I do hope things turn out good. Your a wonderful person and I pray God blesses you! Please give me a pm. I'll like to talk to you. Take care
WRY NECK TREATMENT !! I just had a 4 Week silver laced Polish who suddenly came down with wry neck. It got to the point his head was just spinning in circles. His Left eye was paralyzed and he was not eating and could NOT DRINK !!!

He is alive and saved and running around !! THERE IS HOPE!!! SIMPLE !!!

1.Scrambled eggs smooched with lots of water. Put a little in there beak to encourage them to eat. With wry neck drinking water is very painful for them, when symptoms get bad, put it in the eggs....Spike did start eating after a first few FORCED BITES by me. Do keep water and food out for them as an option in the pen .
2. Once they have a little food in the tummy VITAMIN TIME - 2 VITAMIN E GEL CAPS DOWN THE THROAT. I only recommend that if your bird is over 3 weeks old. Be careful it is not shot straight down but get it in there mouth. Next 1/2 Dropper Poly VI SOL INFANT DROPS (NO IORN) . DO THIS 2 XS A DAY. BY DAY 5 HE WAS SHOWING BIG SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT. I would do 1/2 the treatment for a 1-2 week old chick and make the eggs in a blender and syringe small amounts into the mouth but them swallow it. Just hold the beak open with some force and apply pea size drop for younger birds. Spike was eating Pea sized egg chunks mushed with water. The eggs for some reason were NOT painful for him to SWALLOW !!! IT was AMAZING !! ALSO THE are PACKED WITH SELENIUM AND VITAMIN E and they ARE a must TO MAKE everything work. THEY HELP TO ABSORB all THE VITAMINS. and the SELENIUM MAKES THE E ABSORB . HOPE THIS HELPS I THOUGHT HE WAS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT !! BUT HE IS ALIVE AND SPUNKY AS EVER !!




TAKE THEM OUTSIDE !!! THE FRESH AIR REALLY MADE HIM MORE ALERT !!! I made an outdoor pen with a heat lamp because his poop was very stinky from all the meds and it is REALLY messy!! He seemed much happier outside in a bigger pen once he was making progress.

It helped wrapping him in a towel and holding his head.

Wow!!! Thank you for the positive post :) I'm sooooo glad your baby recovered well... I have done EVERYTHING you have suggested except for the poly vi sol infant drops. I'm in Australia & we don't have them here :( I did use a concentrated vitamin gel especially for sick animals. ( nutri pet) in the beginning I was syringe feeding by force... My girl now eats hungrily every feed.. I actually think she s scoffing it down so fast this is why she is bringing it back up.. Her neck to not hanging and she is holding it to the right hand side now. Infancy she can move it forward BUT her neck has a HUGE crook in it that she is unable to shift. She tries soo hard to unhook it when she is on the grass. I et her ave grass time after each feed.. She walks around in circles trying to move that neck :( she stands well, stretches her legs out- shakes normally and clucks .. The only thing is her neck :( she is very uncoordinated when she eats though and thrusts herself Forward with her legs. When she does this she stretches tall though and puffs her chest out trying to reach bowl of food which is no where near where she has stretched up too.. I end up making her sit and hold her slightly forward to eat while I hold bowl in front of her. She still pushes with her feet but at east she isn't aiming high lol...
I've just started aspirin this week and I have stopped the selenium & vit e.. She was on these consistently for 6 weeks.. Maybe I should start them again.. I appreciate any advice..

Thank you

As you can see in this pic her head is on the side. You can see the bulge I'm talking about on the right side of pic ( her left side)


And as you can see in this pic she CAN bring it forward- but the crook just won't go away :(
Well she was eating about 4 dessert spoons full!! And ate the lot ( little pig) but like I said this week it's coming out as fast as it goes in. So I'm only feeding her about half that amount now. Todays feeds haven't come up- so that's good. I also gave her some garlic last night ( read that somewhere) and im not feeding her as much per feed. Poor thing acts like she hasn't eaten in a week when she see's each meal. She hasn't lost any energy and her behaviour hasn't changed. Nt sleeping all the time like before and s awake r the entire meal. ( when she was eating a lot she would fall asleep at the end of meal once she was full)
She still walks around in circles and is pooing on q after each meal.. I put her on grass after every meal for about 10 minutes. She poos, walks around and fights with her neck every time...poor girl.. Welli hope I've given you into that helps.. Oh oh I keep or getting o mention that when I feed her, especially when she is drinking water, her neck makes a strange noise.. It's like a farting noise coming from her neck? Have you ever heard this before. I can feel the vein or what ever it is going down the side of her neck. I can HEAR & FEEL the liquid as is travels down.. Very odd..!!!!Should I be worried!!!
She is also still growing new feathers all over. So I'm guessing this would be taking some of her nutrients etc and energy..
She doesn't look as though she is getting any worse, well her appearance is quiet alert. Ill keep feeding her smaller amounts. Oh after each feed she does constantly open and close beak like she is tasting fod in her beak. I've only just noticed her song this this week. I'm hinting maybe the fod is trying to come back up and she is constantly swallowing?????? But I'm only guessing..

Thank you Lori- really can't ever thank you enough, no matter how this turns out..
Love Deb xxxx
How's her weight? is she gaining anything? If not, feed her more, give her a little bit more each day from what you have been giving her.. I wouldn't worry about that noise in her neck, sounds like she's trying to rush getting something to drink and taken in some air with it.

Is the bayer doing anything for her?
The bayer should help bring some of that swelling down, that is if it is swelling and help with getting her head straightened out, Is it helping at all? If not will try something else..
Hi Debbie,

If she is still bent ...she is not cured. Her body is lacking something. I just heard of a 6 month old silky hen who is PERFECTLY straight now after treatment. I was thinking maybe because she was older than my chick it might permanent but I now do NOT think that is the case. The Person I am speaking of used: ALAN STANFORD'S Treatment Plan. Her Bird was VERY BAD !!! DOING BACK FLIPS AND VERY SICK !! Not sure about aspirin? BUT I do know ALAN Stanford's treatment did call for prednisone to decrease swelling. I would also DOUBLE the amount of Vitamins you are giving her. Plus scrambled eggs. If you don't have poly vi sol ...I would look up the ingredients find anything like it and give her a FULL dose. 1 dropper 2 times a day for 3 days then cut back to 1/2 dropper 2 times a day. YOU HAVE to do all this together. I think the treatment plan I mentioned will work.

Sounds like she is not too bad right now but it does get worse pretty quick so I would hit it hard and make her better !! Also My foam neck brace was really helpfull for spike. But make sure it is loose so you are not constricting her neck at all . Also only have her wear it while YOU are with her :)

let me know how it goes!! Good LUCK
I finally got some prednisone so today I start that.. I have a friend whom also used Alan's treatment plan- intact he has giving me a personal plan for my girl :) ill start with the prednisone today & finger x it helps... Lori her crop isn't emptying AGAIN in mornings:( and although its not full it still has a little in it. Besides from massaging it should I be oing anything else?? Do I still feed her or wait til it's completely empty???
My poor girl is trying sooo hard to beat this...so I'm trying too.

The poly vi sol is an infant vitamin supplement isn't it?? Ill try to get something today equivalent to it.. Thank you Country Cooper for your advice as well.. My grl still being with us is amazing in itself after 9 weeks of treatment and being sick.. I'm excited to start Alan's treatment plan & am hoping for some success..
Lori I haven't weighed her again just yet but will today.. The aspirin ( which ill now stop) I think was helping. I'm sure she had more movement in her neck although the twist/ bulge hasn't changed. Hopefully the prednisone will help..
You are VERY welcome !! I am VERY hopeful !! Sounds like you have been keeping it at bay but just have not knocked it out !! The poly vi sol is Infant Drops YES !!! Jam Packed with vitamins!!! Make sure you get whatever you get WITHOUT IRON !! I am cheering for you guys !!! She must be a strong girl to make it this far !! The good news is She seems WAY ahead of the curve so finger crossed over here TOO !!!
I had a silkie with wry neck from a head peck that was easy to fix but it was very scary! I hope your little girl gets better, I will be thinking good thoughts for you, and keeping up with licorice story.

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