Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Thanks Lori, I will give it a try. What was the liquid diet again?? I can scroll back through to get it.
Her crop is half full this morning
but no vomit on her wing.. In not sure if that's good or not.... Ill try what you said.
Oh no!! In sorry about your roosters
I've never heard if them hurting each other like this. But I've never owned a rooster. Can you help the poor fella who got hurt?? I'm think if you and seeding good vibes your way.. So sorry xxxxx
Liquid diet receipe:

Hard Boiled egg, start with one
Plain Yogurt About one maybe two tablespoons
1/4 teaspoon of Vitamins, I like polyvisol without iron
Electrolyte Water, needs to be warm give as much as you desire.

Yep, the rooster is doing better already.
Blue Kote and neosporin work winders for roosters who get beat up.
Good luck with your naughty boys.
Nope won't use either of these, first he doesn't have any cuts so the blue kote would be kind of useless, although it's excellent for fighting infections and what not. But this rooster doesn't have a single cut just a lot of swelling..

Neosporin well I have heard some bad things and good things about it. So instead I have giving him some eye drops called: Neomycin - Polymyxin - Dexamethasone Ointment

EXCELLENT stuff within 2 hours the rooster opened his eyes and 95% of the swelling around his eyes decreased so now he can see to eat.. I'll keep him separate for a while longer hopefully he won't be the weakest link when we are ready to return him.
Hey Lori, just letting you know my girl is doing great!! Her neck is still to one side but she is definitely getting more movement in it. She also started to preen herself on that 1 side- so I'm thinking that's a good sign.. She is still on the prednisone and hasn't vomited now for a few days :) I think it's called the Burps?? Anyhow every now and then she does it and her crop wasnt emptying very well last week. All seems back to normal their now & her poos are absolutely normal now :) no more sloppy watery ones. We are definitely on the right road
Boy has it been a long journey & one that isn't over just yet. But my girl is a fighter and is awake and aware of noises & object now, either clucking, looking or trying to get away.. She still walks in circles but wow- at least she is upright hey..
11 weeks a ago this hen couldn't sit without falling over, she was being FORCE fed via a syringe and was constantly asleep.. I'm so very proud of myself & her for getting this far with more improvements to come :)

I hope you are well & I hope your rooster recovered well..
Talk soon
Debbie :) xx
Hey Lori, just letting you know my girl is doing great!! Her neck is still to one side but she is definitely getting more movement in it. She also started to preen herself on that 1 side- so I'm thinking that's a good sign.. She is still on the prednisone and hasn't vomited now for a few days
I think it's called the Burps?? Anyhow every now and then she does it and her crop wasnt emptying very well last week. All seems back to normal their now & her poos are absolutely normal now
no more sloppy watery ones. We are definitely on the right road
Boy has it been a long journey & one that isn't over just yet. But my girl is a fighter and is awake and aware of noises & object now, either clucking, looking or trying to get away.. She still walks in circles but wow- at least she is upright hey..
11 weeks a ago this hen couldn't sit without falling over, she was being FORCE fed via a syringe and was constantly asleep.. I'm so very proud of myself & her for getting this far with more improvements to come

I hope you are well & I hope your rooster recovered well..
Talk soon
Good on her not brining up the food, you want to her keep that down as much as you can. What about her weight? Are you rotating the liquid diet with regular food or just giving her regular feed?? What's happening there?

My rooster is fine, he's already back outside with his homey splash girls. LOL
Hi Lori, well we vomited AGAIN & her crop is very slow at emptying again... I didn't give her the liquid diet but I think I will have too.. I was just feeding her little more times.. But her crop is sooo full my the end of the day and by morning it's all over her wing. :(
She tried preening herself yesterday but only on that side her head is.. I do think she has more movement but it just won't straighten :(
I'm starting to think its not going too :( she still only walks in circles too & won't eat in her own.. She tried laying in her side in the sun too yesterday looked like she was ready for a dust bathe...
Anyways ill keep at it..
Hugs Debbie

Ps- I'm so glad your rooster is ok :)
Hi Lori, well we vomited AGAIN & her crop is very slow at emptying again... I didn't give her the liquid diet but I think I will have too.. I was just feeding her little more times.. But her crop is sooo full my the end of the day and by morning it's all over her wing.

She tried preening herself yesterday but only on that side her head is.. I do think she has more movement but it just won't straighten

I'm starting to think its not going too
she still only walks in circles too & won't eat in her own.. She tried laying in her side in the sun too yesterday looked like she was ready for a dust bathe...
Anyways ill keep at it..
Hugs Debbie

Ps- I'm so glad your rooster is ok
NOT GOOD, give her water only and put some ACV in it (apple Cider Vinager) for a couple of days. As I said before, I'm less concerned about her neck being twisted and more concerned about her system shutting down.. She could have a blockage, think of it kind of like a clogged drain, it slowly drains but you add water it will fill up again. ACV should help move some of the blockage..Remember to massage, I know she don't like it but you got to get that food to move about.
If she keeps tossing up the food in her crop, she'll end up sufficating her Put some Vitamins in the water mixture but hold off on giving her any food... Check her in the morning if it all has drained, then give her all the vitamin water she wants but ease up on the food. I would strongly suggest giving her the liquid diet if you can get her to completely drain and very little food but she will probably act as though she's starving by then. LOL.. And each day just give her small amounts of food and all the water she wants. It's easier to get water empty, then is it to get food to empty.. Once she is back on track of getting the small amounts of food to empty, then keep increasing it with smaller and smaller amouts.. For example if you start her off with a teaspoon of food per day, then increase it by a half. so the next day she'll have 1 1/2 teaspoon if she keeps that down, increase by half again and continue each day until you can get her back to normal amount per day. Then will figure out the neck problem but right now lets work on that because the twisted neck isn't going to kill her the tossing up the food and crop not draining will. That's a sign of shutting down which is something we DON"T want her to do. So work on just that crop for now.. Put everything else aside..

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