Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Chiqita I'm really sorry to read about your dog attack :( I know exactly how you feel. I lost my whole flock once before too, to my dogs whom after 7 years of living with chickens decided they didn't like anymore :( I then moved my NEW flock inside my pool area where they have been ever since. But only the other day I also lost 1 of my girls to my dogs. Not only did she get out of her enclosed coop ( which I cannot explain) she then walked through the pool fence into the dogs area. ( silly girl) and well we know how that ended :(
I can't explain the whole thing as I still have no idea how she got out and I'm only guessing she walked through the pool fence but nothing else makes sense...

As for Licorice do you guys think I should treat her for gape worm? If so what do I use? She doesn't have any respiratory signs in fact she's more mobile than ever. We can walk a straight line now :) no more walking in circles. Every time I think she can't improve any more she does something new LOL.. Maybe it's her interwision hehe..
I'll try to get a pic today of her to share with you
Deb, there are some pics attached to one of the past threads on gape worm, I just haven't worked out how to give you the link. Dawg53 is a bit of a guru on parasites, maybe he will chime in, I do remember him saying that gape was not as common as other worms. Perhaps you could PM him, I'm sure he would be happy to help you. Look forward to seeing some pics.
I'll have to research gape worm- do you know what the symptoms are? And what does it do??

Here is a pic I just took of my Precious Licorice enjoying some sun after her feed :)

I'll have to research gape worm- do you know what the symptoms are? And what does it do??

Here is a pic I just took of my Precious Licorice enjoying some sun after her feed :)


Oh , god bless her , what a sweety. Go to the top of the page and type in gape worm in the advance search bar. There are pictures of the inside of the chooks mouth. Gape worm would not be her initial problem. From what I can gather it chokes them. Continual mouth opening and head shaking are the most obvious symptoms .
Hahah, she's looking scruffy, and still has her bad haircut heheh, but as you can see she is very much alive. And kinda looks normal. I just wish she could eat on her own then I wouldn't be contemplating a vet visit. It's the not being able to eat that is the problem, but her neck just won't stretch down :( and she stretches UP for food anyways- which is why I think neurological damage or something...
I got intouch with that person recommended above and his advice was its NOT Gapeworm. He said if it was shed be dead by now. He said the opening of beak, shaking head would more likely be crop adjusting. He suggested a buy a formula powder ( can't remember name) for baby chicks with issues. He said it FULL of every vitamin they need to help with any weakness. He also said that this is probably stemmed back to her hatching and or her genetics. I put her on the Kaytees bird formula had it shipped out from America for these same vitamin supplements but it didn't improve her at all...

I still have some and will start her on it again

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