Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Hum, interested I never thought of it as a genetic issue. Learning something new, so if her food is high she doesn't have a problem eating, but if you put it down to the ground, she won't eat at all? If that's the case, I would make a little stand that the food can sit in, so she doesn't have to lean down to the ground..

We had to make a stand about 3 1/2 feet up off the ground for our Mastiff, the reason because he had to keep his head up above his legs when eating. We were told that for Mastiffs. when they bend there heads down to the ground they suck up a lot of air causing internal problems like twisted intestines and what not and because of his 200 pound siize, causes death..

So it might be a good way to get her to eat on her own is a simple thing of creating a stand for her high enough so that she doesn't have to go to the ground...
Hum, interested I never thought of it as a genetic issue. Learning something new, so if her food is high she doesn't have a problem eating, but if you put it down to the ground, she won't eat at all? If that's the case, I would make a little stand that the food can sit in, so she doesn't have to lean down to the ground..

We had to make a stand about 3 1/2 feet up off the ground for our Mastiff, the reason because he had to keep his head up above his legs when eating. We were told that for Mastiffs. when they bend there heads down to the ground they suck up a lot of air causing internal problems like twisted intestines and what not and because of his 200 pound size, causes death..

So it might be a good way to get her to eat on her own is a simple thing of creating a stand for her high enough so that she doesn't have to go to the ground...
Now I have seen my chickens do the mouth opening thing, not all the time but occasionally, and they wiggle there bodies to get the food down further into the crop. So that would make since..
Hrm... Could you put a high feeder at an angle up for her? So she could eat some in the day? Or does she not know up from down?

Or hang something she could aim at and that is big. It would not replace feeding but could get more calories in her in the day. Treat ball or a fruit or cabbage?
I have her living in a rabbit bank which has a wire door. I have hooked a bird feeder to the inside wire at her head height for feed- BUT she still can't eat from it. She does this silly stretching thing and stands tall but pushes her crop up and out and her head moves backwards. It's hard to explain but she can't peak at anything unless I hold her stable.
It won't hurt putting a bunch of cabbage,or fruit in at a height, she may get a little of it.. I can only try, so thanks for that tip as I hadn't thought of hanging a cabbage lol...
Its not ideal nutrition wise but it would give her life quality. I think you can overfeed cabbage but I would not worry about it unless she goes bananas.
So even with the food dish up higher, she still won't eat on her own? Now that's a little strange, I wouldn't worry about bouncing crop up and down, that's kind of normal. I would like to think of a way for her to eat without you having to hold her. Hum let me think here, first let me understand something, when she attempts to eat, does she just loose her balance and falls?
I give mine generic sardine in olive oil. Just peel the lid back and watch them go. If you have crop issues it's an easier way to get the oil into them and the omega 3 and vit A might be beneficial.

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