Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Mamakat you have a heart of gold
and the world is. Better place , with you in it.
It's NOT saving the WORLD or OUT OF LINE comments, it's an Opinion!! Personally I would have handle it differently, while others do not.

I respect any decisions as much as I would expect you to respect my decisions..

I will give my opinion whether you agree to it or not because I have my way and you have your way..

Do I dis you for it. NO, it's your decision of what you do, do I understand in some cases yes. I may not agree with your decision but wouldn't criticize you for it..
I'm sorry,but your comments were out of line,Mamakat74 did what she felt was in the best interests of her suffering pet. We are here to help and support each other,not to question whether one tried hard enough to save their pet. A little compassion and sensitivity is called for in cases like this,not criticizing for decisions made. Mamakat74 is very upset having to put down her pet,please show emotional support.
Yes! We talked to the breeder who sold her to us and and we are now tube feeding her sinse she can't eat. She I a little more active now and is holding her head better


Ahhhh the tube feeding been there done that, absolutely No fun, the first time I had to do it, tears kept coming down my face I couldn't see,, not easy to tube feed a chicken while your eyes are completely filled with tears. I think it bothered me more then it bothered him. Lol. But I couldn't see him fading away by not eating, so that's when you learn to suck it up... thank god he got over his problem quickly, lol..that's all I can say about it...

But good for you I'm glad she's doing better...
I'm so sorry to read others gave been battling with chicken sickness. My girl Licorice Is Doing GREAT!!!!! She is my superstar. Wow still going after 9 months. She too couldn't stay awake at the beginning. I use to feed her with a syringe several times a day.. She was lifeless, couldn't eat, couldn't stand, couldn't move... Time patience and lots of care.
I do understand how some people don't want to put in this time - it's a huge commitment. And I honestly didn't know it would turn out like this when I first started treating Licorice. She has special needs now, but is up moving around, eating ( Gand fed daily) preening and enjoying the sunshine. I don't think she will improve anymore now- but she sure has a will to live so maybe she'll surprise he once more yet.
Aww thanks Fancychooklady.. Its Licorice who is amazing. I just looked after her the best I could. She never gave up, she fought through everything that was thrown at her. She's had terrible haircuts ALL over because food and poo would get stuck in her feathers. She has let me wash, trim, dry and pluck her. She has dribbled, thrown up, and fallen over countless times. And here she stands ( wobbly) but she stands and walks proudly. Xxxxx
I'm so sorry to read others gave been battling with chicken sickness. My girl Licorice Is Doing GREAT!!!!! She is my superstar. Wow still going after 9 months. She too couldn't stay awake at the beginning. I use to feed her with a syringe several times a day.. She was lifeless, couldn't eat, couldn't stand, couldn't move... Time patience and lots of care.
I do understand how some people don't want to put in this time - it's a huge commitment. And I honestly didn't know it would turn out like this when I first started treating Licorice. She has special needs now, but is up moving around, eating ( Gand fed daily) preening and enjoying the sunshine. I don't think she will improve anymore now- but she sure has a will to live so maybe she'll surprise he once more yet.
EXCELLENT POINT DEBSTAR1204. I don't understand as well how some people don't want to put in the time????
it is a huge commitment.

Its great after all this time, she's still going GREAT. WOW. it's absolutely incredible..
Aww thanks Fancychooklady.. Its Licorice who is amazing. I just looked after her the best I could. She never gave up, she fought through everything that was thrown at her. She's had terrible haircuts ALL over because food and poo would get stuck in her feathers. She has let me wash, trim, dry and pluck her. She has dribbled, thrown up, and fallen over countless times. And here she stands ( wobbly) but she stands and walks proudly. Xxxxx

What a little fighter!!!
Aww thanks Fancychooklady.. Its Licorice who is amazing. I just looked after her the best I could. She never gave up, she fought through everything that was thrown at her. She's had terrible haircuts ALL over because food and poo would get stuck in her feathers. She has let me wash, trim, dry and pluck her. She has dribbled, thrown up, and fallen over countless times. And here she stands ( wobbly) but she stands and walks proudly. Xxxxx

Let me know when she Lays that FIRST EGG.. LOL

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