Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Do you have polyvisol without iron. If so put 2-3 drops in the water and break open a vitamin E capsule and try to administer it throughout the day. There are quite a few case histories on this site and some have happy endings. I found that it was easier to put the vit E in scrambled egg.

Ditto keep in mind they get worst before they get better, what are they symptoms ??
She rolls forward when her head goes between her legs, can't raise her head, and can't drink water out of the waterer. I'm unsure about her poop, and she seems sort of weak. 

Yep sounds like.a good possibility, start her on the vitamin e one per day, one drop of polyvisol three times a day now as she starts it improve don't just stop treating her, just decrease the dose each week. Also a little bit of Selena, just a tab of that stuff Is all you need...

See if in a couple of days she don't start improving, it may be slow improvements. Like instead of head between her legs, it's in front of her legs, etc until it's completely up. It sounds like a bad case, one of mine was that bad and in just a few days she started to improve, I can still remember how excited I was to see that head go up. Lol

Did she get hit in the head? Perhaps by another hen or a rooster getting to rough on her??
If you have it handy try some nutridrench. It is not 100% but I have had a few miracle cures with it from sudden wry neck. If the vitamins dont help then id try drugs but vits first. Good luck!
I think this may be what my little chick is going through. Its hard to tell though. I posted a description about this in a seperate thread. The info here has been great.
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I think this may be what my little chick is going through. Its hard to tell though. I posted a description about this in a seperate thread. The info here has been great.
I think this may be what my little chick is going through. Its hard to tell though. I posted a description about this in a seperate thread. The info here has been great.

How old?? Silkie? Silkies are very prone to getting this. It's because there brains are on the outside of there skull so one blow OUCH they are down for the count sort of speaking..
This is what I posted in another thred labeled "Baby Chick severe illness less than a week old":

I purchased 6 baby chicks from Tractor Supply 3 days ago. At first, all seemed well. Chicks were lively, eating and drinking normally and running around the brooder. No one was huddling in front of the heat lamp nor huddling away. 2 days after purchase, I noticed one chick acting lethargic, hanging by the edge of the brooder, somewhat close to the lamp, not running around when I opened the brooder like the rest of the chicks. I immediately moved it to a sick brooder which is slightly warmer and got the "Save a Chick" probiotic. Within an hour of seperating this chick, it became unable to stand without falling to one side, arching its head back almost to its tail and falling over. It chirps loudly and keeps its eyes closed most of the time but will open one eye when handled. I have been keeping it warmer, feeding it the save a chick solution through a dropper, and keeping her calm allowing her to rest. Its been 24 hours since I noticed the first symptoms. None of the other babies have shown any decline (no loud chirping, they eat, drink, poop and run around). The sick chick has not pooped since being in the sick brooder but hasnt eaten either. No pasty butt. When offered water she barely opens her beak to accept and can be heard making a rattling sound when trying to drink and sometimes when sleeping. We've been practicing good biosecurity (take care of grown hens outside first, then wash, then care for healthy chicks, wash and care for sick) so I am hoping we can limit the spread. Is there anything else I should be doing for this sick baby? Any idea if this is an illness or simply failure to thrive?

She is a breed of red (the TS store had multiple breeds in one tub including sexlinks) and very young. Of course, they don't know exactly how old, but didn't even start getting them until a week ago. I am guessing just a few days old to a week old.

I give all of my birds sardines in olive oil mixed in with egg and cooked pasta, omega 3 is essential as is magnesium. Polyvisol is an A,D,B supportive product and by supplementing with E you are covering all bases. It would be nice to know which one they are deficient in, but all you can do for now is come at it from all angles. You can also buy chia pods here, a bit like yoghurt tubs. Chia is high in almost everything , might be worth a try.
Right now the chicken can't really eat or drink on her own. She seems to have little control over her body. Sometimes, she will lie on her side and push with her feet and scoot around the sick brooder. Since that post, she has given a poop, which is a good sign. The treatment seems to be making some headway, as she spent a small amount of time today staning upright and her neck not as "loopy" but still is struggling immensly. When I try to giver her water, she wasn't opening her beak at all at first but now has started to open her beak VERY slightly and getting some water in. It looks like her tounge is sideways too and she makes a slight gurgling noise when she is trying to drink.

Better? Maybe? But still very very ill.

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