Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

You don't need polyvisol if you are treating with vitamin B1 (thiamine), E, and selenium, but it is found at WalMart in the vitamin aisle and in any drug store in infant vitamins. I haven't heard anything about Meclizine (Bonine, Dramamine II) except that it's great for motion sickness. Scroll down to the bottom of this link for dosages: http://www.browneggblueegg.com/Article/Crookneck/Crookneck.html
They really don't know what the cause of it is in dogs, worse case brain tumor to best case just an ear infection. However they really don't know. Had two dogs that had vestibular syndrome and they acted very dizzy and trouble standing/walking. Sometimes vomiting and their eyes would just rotate back and forth, but Meclizine 25mg is what I had to give when symptoms occurred. My rooster has trouble walking and standing. When he can walk just goes in circles. Treating with the vitamins and prednisone but wanted to see if anyone has ever tried Meclizine or if it's safe to try??? Tried looking up on here but not really finding anything. :/
I have been catching up on this thread. I have a 4 year old silkie rooster with symptoms of wry neck (crookneck). Treating with the vita E and B as well as prednisone and selenium. I still need to find the Poly Vi Sol. Just have a question if anyone knows or not, the symptoms that come with this is a lot like vestibular syndrome in dogs that is treated with Meclizine. First can you give chickens Meclizine and if so does anyone know if it helps with the wry neck?

Polyvisol without iron is in any stores Walmart Walgreen etc. it's baby vitamins,

No two different things, vestibular is the inner ear, where wry neck is a definancy ..
Actually you need the polyvisol is most, it's got all your vitamins in it, not sure why your doing the vitamin b, vitamin b is excellent for leg issues...

Polyvisol has vitamin a,c,d,e,and all your b.. Where vitamin b1 it believe is limited to just your vitamin b... I don't have a bottle here to really check the ingredients to be for sure,,,
Actually you need the polyvisol is most, it's got all your vitamins in it, not sure why your doing the vitamin b, vitamin b is excellent for leg issues...

Polyvisol has vitamin a,c,d,e,and all your b.. Where vitamin b1 it believe is limited to just your vitamin b... I don't have a bottle here to really check the ingredients to be for sure,,,

I had read on brown egg blue egg to treat with the Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, Selenium and Pred. Really have to get the Poly Vi Sol if I'm not already too late. Having a really hard time getting him to eat and drink. Thank you for the info and will get the Poly Vi Sol in the morning! Praying this works! Thank you again!
I had read on brown egg blue egg to treat with the Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, Selenium and Pred. Really have to get the Poly Vi Sol if I'm not already too late. Having a really hard time getting him to eat and drink. Thank you for the info and will get the Poly Vi Sol in the morning! Praying this works! Thank you again!

He's not eating or drinking? Ouch, try softening up his food. Soak it in warm water, when I do this, OMG they act like I just gave them a world of treats. If he eats the soaked up food, don't stress over him not drinking, there's water in the soaked up food that he'll get enough until he snaps out of this..

Now they do get worst before they get better...
He's not eating or drinking? Ouch, try softening up his food. Soak it in warm water, when I do this, OMG they act like I just gave them a world of treats. If he eats the soaked up food, don't stress over him not drinking, there's water in the soaked up food that he'll get enough until he snaps out of this..

Now they do get worst before they get better...

I've been trying my best to force feed him. I soak his food and sometimes mix in a little yogurt then fill a syringe and open his mouth and give him small amounts at a time. Also using baby food (carrots) this is what I'm having the most luck with but not sure if it enough. Feel as though I'm losing this battle. :hit
I've been trying my best to force feed him. I soak his food and sometimes mix in a little yogurt then fill a syringe and open his mouth and give him small amounts at a time. Also using baby food (carrots) this is what I'm having the most luck with but not sure if it enough. Feel as though I'm losing this battle. :hit

Don't force feed him, treat him with the vitamins, if he eats good if not don't stress the polyvisol should give him an appetite, however you'll have to give him a couple of days of it before it happens. Once it does he'll gorge so you'll have to limit him throughout the day. You don't want him to gorge so much that it comes back up.

So let the vitamins kick in. Don't give him an entire pill of selenium either just a tab, I would dip my vitamin e in it. You could actually do with out and still get the same results..

My Silkie that had it wouldn't eat either after two days of vitamins then she started eating like a pig... I think it's best that the don't eat for a couple of days so the vitamins can take affect. If after two days you can try tube feeding him..
I've been trying my best to force feed him. I soak his food and sometimes mix in a little yogurt then fill a syringe and open his mouth and give him small amounts at a time. Also using baby food (carrots) this is what I'm having the most luck with but not sure if it enough. Feel as though I'm losing this battle. :hit

Try him on some soft scrambled egg.

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