Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Actually you need the polyvisol is most, it's got all your vitamins in it, not sure why your doing the vitamin b, vitamin b is excellent for leg issues...

Polyvisol has vitamin a,c,d,e,and all your b.. Where vitamin b1 it believe is limited to just your vitamin b... I don't have a bottle here to really check the ingredients to be for sure,,,
The deficiencies that sometimes cause wry neck are pretty well documented as being B1 (thiamine,) E, and selenium which is what the OP was doing in the first place along with prednisone. Polyvisol without iron is a good substitute until you get the three important ones, but it isn't necessary, and vitamins A, D, and E are fat soluble vitamins and can build up and be toxic when too much is given.
Can you tube feed a chicken with wry neck? Really worried, it's been a few days since he last ate anything on his own. Giving him all his meds and the Polyvisol and mixing in with baby food but I really don't think he's getting enough nutrition. Afraid to attempt tube feeding but will do it if it can be done. Reading up on tube feeding they say to straiten the neck to get the tube down. Not sure if this can be done with wry neck. Has anyone tried and if so was it a success? I don't want to give up on my poor Rocky but don't want him to suffer either. Feeling unsure!
Can you tube feed a chicken with wry neck? Really worried, it's been a few days since he last ate anything on his own. Giving him all his meds and the Polyvisol and mixing in with baby food but I really don't think he's getting enough nutrition. Afraid to attempt tube feeding but will do it if it can be done. Reading up on tube feeding they say to straiten the neck to get the tube down. Not sure if this can be done with wry neck. Has anyone tried and if so was it a success? I don't want to give up on my poor Rocky but don't want him to suffer either. Feeling unsure!

The best person to talk to about feed tubing is @ casportpony.
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The deficiencies that sometimes cause wry neck are pretty well documented as being B1 (thiamine,) E, and selenium which is what the OP was doing in the first place along with prednisone. Polyvisol without iron is a good substitute until you get the three important ones, but it isn't necessary, and vitamins A, D, and E are fat soluble vitamins and can build up and be toxic when too much is given.

I have done Polyvisol FOR YEARS, it has helped ALL my wry neck problems, it's always been NUMBER 1 On my EMERGENCY LIST ALWAYS, so I highly disagree with you.
Can you tube feed a chicken with wry neck? Really worried, it's been a few days since he last ate anything on his own. Giving him all his meds and the Polyvisol and mixing in with baby food but I really don't think he's getting enough nutrition. Afraid to attempt tube feeding but will do it if it can be done. Reading up on tube feeding they say to straiten the neck to get the tube down. Not sure if this can be done with wry neck. Has anyone tried and if so was it a success? I don't want to give up on my poor Rocky but don't want him to suffer either. Feeling unsure!

Yes, I have tube feed, you will need to stretch his neck... You have to have your ingredients prepared and ready first, I have a liquid recipe that I use.., you will need everything in hand, usually helpful if you have two people involve, it's a little tricky with only one.
Yes, I have tube feed, you will need to stretch his neck...  You have to have your ingredients prepared and ready first, I have a liquid recipe that I use.., you will need everything in hand, usually helpful if you have two people involve, it's a little tricky with only one.

My Rocky seems to be perking up some but still not eating on his own. If I do attempt to tube feeding do you have to use the baby bird mix or is it alright to just soak his regular food? He has been eating some baby food but I have to open his mouth and squirt in with a syringe. Tomorrow will be 1 week of treatment for him though the Polyvisol was added on Friday. Really seems to show some improvement so I'm keeping hopeful!
My Rocky seems to be perking up some but still not eating on his own. If I do attempt to tube feeding do you have to use the baby bird mix or is it alright to just soak his regular food? He has been eating some baby food but I have to open his mouth and squirt in with a syringe. Tomorrow will be 1 week of treatment for him though the Polyvisol was added on Friday. Really seems to show some improvement so I'm keeping hopeful!

GOOD, KEEP UP THE POLYVISOL, I'm keep this stuff around ALL the time. I swear by it. LOL..

OK can he Drink on his own at all???
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