Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

I have a chick that is a day old, the only survivor of my hatch, I think the humidity was too low, this was an assisted hatch out of a very shrink wrapped egg. The chick peeps a lot but won't stand, won't drink, won't eat, sleeps almost constantly, and when I try to give wwater by dipping the beak or dropping from my finger, just tiny amounts, the chick starts choking sort of, no more peeps and mouth wide open and gurgly popping sounds and bubbles coming out of its mouth. I start to think that's it, it's dead, i drowned it, but then it will give a weak peep and breath heavily for a while and then be ok. Today is the end of the second day since I assist hatched early yesterday morning and there are no signs of poop, has not appeared to swallow a single drop of water properly, and the umbilical wound is healing up great. I tried putting a band aid on its legs, putting it in a cup to stand up and it did not like that one bit. If I lay him down he end up rolling around until he ends up on his back and then squeals til I flip him over. I am at a loss. I know it has only been like 36 hours but without any water it will surely die. Why can't it swallow? Any suggestions at all would be welcome. I know the vitamins, etc but if I can't get them down its throat without drowning it I don't know what to do! Thanks very much, if it lives it has been named Lucky
Wow you got a really sick baby there, I'm wondering if maybe this is something beyond your control like something internally. Do you have any antibotics available, maybe he has a yolk infection. He can survive up to three days without any food or water but it's not recommended. Does he try to peck at the food or water at all? Try soaking the food really good and see if you can get him t eat/drink..
Thanks for the reply, he wasn't doing anything at all except snuggling in my hand and sleeping. Last night I tried giving him water with honey and an opened vitamin E capsule with a dropper and I think some got in his eye and he started shrieking and then dropped dead in my hand, then he posthumously pooped out a bunch of yellowy liquid, which was another of my concerns, he hadn't passed anything at all. I don't know what was wrong with him but my daughter thinks I killed him with the dropper...because he was "fine" before that. He was in fact laying on his back not making any noise but breathing before that, and I'm sure she would have been happy to keep him that way but I knew liquids were going to become a necessity so I tried again. That time though it didn't seem like aspiration because he was making a loud shrieking noise which I don't think he could do if he had liquid in his windpipe..it was very sad, I cried a bit. He was so sweet and snuggly and had imprinted on me, my first one like that. It makes me think twice about rescuing the ones that can't get out of the shell, but I'd still probably do it again, the thought of tossing an egg without even checking seems awful. I really just don't know what I could have done for this guy though. He seemed totally content when I let him snuggle in my hand, and that's where he ended. I have eggs in the incubator again, hoping to someday hatch out a chick that survives, this was only my second try, first try got no development. I have seven chickens outside that came from mypetchicken that are doing great but they don't have much interest in me, were terrified from day one after the experience of shipping. I don't think I'll do that again, which is why I want the hatching to work. Thanks again for the reply.
Thanks for the reply, he wasn't doing anything at all except snuggling in my hand and sleeping. Last night I tried giving him water with honey and an opened vitamin E capsule with a dropper and I think some got in his eye and he started shrieking and then dropped dead in my hand, then he posthumously pooped out a bunch of yellowy liquid, which was another of my concerns, he hadn't passed anything at all. I don't know what was wrong with him but my daughter thinks I killed him with the dropper...because he was "fine" before that. He was in fact laying on his back not making any noise but breathing before that, and I'm sure she would have been happy to keep him that way but I knew liquids were going to become a necessity so I tried again. That time though it didn't seem like aspiration because he was making a loud shrieking noise which I don't think he could do if he had liquid in his windpipe..it was very sad, I cried a bit. think twice abo He was so sweet and snuggly and had imprinted on me, my first one like that. It makes me ut rescuing the ones that can't get out of the shell, but I'd still probably do it again, the thought of tossing an egg without even checking seems awful. I really just don't know what I could have done for this guy though. He seemed totally content when I let him snuggle in my hand, and that's where he ended. I have eggs in the incubator again, hoping to someday hatch out a chick that survives, this was only my second try, first try got no development. I have seven chickens outside that came from mypetchicken that are doing great but they don't have much interest in me, were terrified from day one after the experience of shipping. I don't think I'll do that again, which is why I want the hatching to work. Thanks again for the reply.

You didn't kill him, how can you kill something that was already sick?? It's TOTALLY NOT your fault, but the yellow liquids, sounds almost like his yolk sac broke inside? Perhaps he had e coli, which is a bacteria infection inside. Something beyond your control, sometimes antibotics will help.

He could have had parts inside that didn't develop correctly but none of this is your fault don't even feel that way..

when your ready to try again LET's DO IT. I can walk you threw each step. WILL GET THAT BABY FOR YOU.
Hi reading your post on wry neck for the girl who did the same thing as I am! We have been to the vet and I've tried molasses and water, electrolyte vitamin powder in water, wheat....she was hatched March 30. Can you tell me what milligram of vitamin e capsules? She is my avatar picture. Her name is Miracle.
Thank you.
Hi reading your post on wry neck for the girl who did the same thing as I am! We have been to the vet and I've tried molasses and water, electrolyte vitamin powder in water, wheat....she was hatched March 30. Can you tell me what milligram of vitamin e capsules? She is my avatar picture. Her name is Miracle.
Thank you.

I responded to your PM, I think it was you? LOL
I see two things going on in that pic, if you can clarify, I see the neck issue but also the Leg? Does she have one leg turning inward?? or is this just the way she's possing??
Hi reading your post on wry neck for the girl who did the same thing as I am! We have been to the vet and I've tried molasses and water, electrolyte vitamin powder in water, wheat....she was hatched March 30. Can you tell me what milligram of vitamin e capsules? She is my avatar picture. Her name is Miracle.
Thank you.

Wryneck is more to do with a thiamine deficiency and can take weeks or months to correct. The vitamins need time to take effect. Ataxia often starts in the leg and works it's way up to the neck.

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