Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

"Remember, torticollis is not an illness itself. Instead, it is a symptom that occurs in connection with many different illnesses and conditions. Among the illnesses that can cause the symptom of torticollis are Marek's disease (a virus), a deficiency in magnesium, a deficiency in vitamin E, a deficiency in thiamine (medicated chick feeds can interfere with thiamin uptake), avian encephalomyelitis (a virus), food poisoning (such as botulism), heavy metal/lead toxicity, encephalitic listeriosis (a virus), some presentations of aspergillosis (a fungal infection), otitis (ear infection), or even head injury."
Personally, I don't think anything but Polyvisol, Vitamin B complete and Vitamin E is the only thing you really need for the recovery. Ive done it several times with great results. I think some just look into it to much.
Personally, I don't think anything but Polyvisol, Vitamin B complete and Vitamin E is the only thing you really need for the recovery. Ive done it several times with great results. I think some just look into it to much.

I just quoted medical guidance confirming that Magnesium deficiency can also be an underlying factor in wry neck... given that this mineral is not included in Polyvisol it would need to be supplemented if Thiamine or Vitamin E supplementation alone did not resolve the symptoms. Glad this has worked for you, though!
I just quoted medical guidance confirming that Magnesium deficiency can also be an underlying factor in wry neck... given that this mineral is not included in Polyvisol it would need to be supplemented if Thiamine or Vitamin E supplementation alone did not resolve the symptoms. Glad this has worked for you, though!
Well I have used it for many many years and many times and if done properly it does work. Never used or bought Magnesium. Don't get me wrong, I have heard very good results about it. but me personally, I just have never used it and yet still end up with good results.
Nervous disorders are almost *always* a symptom of Mag deficiency... given the dramatic improvement in my hen's motor coordination after dosing I can guarantee that this was a factor. Magnesium is also a muscle relaxer and will help with the spasms and cramping associated with these conditions. Most people dealing with advanced cases of wry neck probably aren't as worried about egg quality, if the hen is laying at all :)

We use magnesium daily on our off the track thoroughbreds . It is the active ingredient in all equine calming pastes and food additives. I've seen some horses go from an agitated state to relative calm within hours once it is added to their ration. My point about egg binding was more to say that messing with absorption rates may lead to complications further down the track.
None of the birds that I have bred have had wryneck but I have helped several people with their flocks. With the exception of peck injuries and cerebral hemorage, most cases come down to incorrect feeding . I find that adding poultry vitamins routinely to the water is the most cost efficient and ' user friendly ' way to mantain the required levels.
It is wonderful that you got your bird back to health . :)
We use magnesium daily on our off the track thoroughbreds . It is the active ingredient in all equine calming pastes and food additives. I've seen some horses go from an agitated state to relative calm within hours once it is added to their ration. My point about egg binding was more to say that messing with absorption rates may lead to complications further down the track.
None of the birds that I have bred have had wryneck but I have helped several people with their flocks. With the exception of peck injuries and cerebral hemorage, most cases come down to incorrect feeding . I find that adding poultry vitamins routinely to the water is the most cost efficient and ' user friendly ' way to mantain the required levels.
It is wonderful that you got your bird back to health .

It works miracles on humans, too ;)
Yes, I take magnesium to help with vit D absorption . Whilst magnesium should be in the grains that we eat, farming practices and the use of super phosphates has effectively ' tied it up ' .

Yes... modern farming has essentially eliminated it from the food supply, for us and the chickens! Multi-vitamins don't include it (or enough) because it is heavy and makes the pills too big. People used to soak regularly in epsom salts back in the day and nobody even knows what that is anymore... so magnesium deficiency is an epidemic now. So many health problems – insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia, fatigue, asthma, etc. – are all potentially linked to it. When I started taking supplements half a dozen chronic issues I was dealing with vanished overnight, things that had plagued me for years... Gone. It is miraculous.
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Yes... modern farming has essentially eliminated it from the food supply, for us and the chickens! Multi-vitamins don't include it (or enough) because it is heavy and makes the pills too big. People used to soak regularly in epsom salts back in the day and nobody even knows what that is anymore... so magnesium deficiency is an epidemic now. So many health problems – insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia, fatigue, asthma, etc. – are all potentially linked to it. When I started taking supplements half a dozen chronic issues I was dealing with vanished overnight, things that had plagued me for years... Gone. It is miraculous.

I love nothing more than soaking in my Epsom salts bath. :)
This is the first day we have seen any sort of improvement on our sick chick. Today she actually picked up her head and looked around. She's fighting our hands as we stand her up to feed her and give her water but when she pecks the feed, she's pecking it with such force that it's flying around. She's not as twisted at the neck as she was yesterday morning either. She seems to be frustrated that she can't get up and stand up so she's moving alot more, flopping more but still much more improved over the day before we started the vitamin treatment.

Her right leg is still very much broken. The elbow is very swollen and bends backwards so that is a problem but really, it will have to wait some till we get past the wryneck and hopefully it will improve. I may just tape it straight to keep it from getting further hurt because she's trying so hard to kick.

I'm working toward getting her to eat a full 1/2 cup of starter crumbles each day. She's drinking about 1/2 cup of water a day and nearly a 1/2 cup of crumbles.

Poly vi Sol, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex and just a pinch of Selenium every other day (this was skipped today since I gave it to her yesterday). She got a portion of multi vitamin this morning but I threw out that feed after the second feeding and started over without it.

Keeping going.. keeping going.

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