WTB Hatching eggs 4 kids bator any neat/funky breeds,silkies texas


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
east texas
The kiddos want to try to hatch some eggs since we cannot find any chicks locally to purchase. They want to sell the eggs so breed is not important other than they LOVE "funky" chickens. Here are some they have seen online and sparked an interest in: Standard Silkies would be awesome they love them and we have none, EE's or odd colored egg layers, crested or polish (tophats or poofheads as they call them), turkens, anything frizzled, cochins, anything "splash" colored or polka dotted, or favorelles sp? they like the puffy look of them, we would love to test fertility for someone needing some testers. We have a still air that will hold 4 dozen eggs. We can do the hatch and also would be willing to take photos of your chicks and send to you after hatch. I am not sure of shipping costs but when I checked egg auctions they were for pure breeds and a little out of our price range. This is a kid project and we will take any types of eggs to hv chickens that the kids can hv fun with and enjoy their "funky" factor!!! Thanks so much please message me if you have or know of anyone with what we are looking for! Thanks again!!!
Are you wanting pure breeds or are mixes okay? I've got a ton of broodies, so not many eggs from my breeders. But I get 1 silkie egg every other day, an EE egg almost every day, then lots of 'yard bird' eggs. The yard bird hens are mostly OEG (wheaten and blue wheaten) or OEGB (blue, black, and splash) with a Barred rock, 2 golden lakenvelders, black cochin LF, white leghorn, and some mixed bantam hens. The roos are OEG (wheaten), OEGB (blue, black, splash, and some kind of 'red'), black rosecombs, LF cochin/OEG mix, Silver lakenvelder, Barred Rock, and some mixed LF/bantam roos.

Hard telling what you'd hatch, but they'd be fun
Shipping would depend on your location and the number of eggs you'd want; eggs would be $2 a dozen (eating-egg price). If you wanted eggs from both LF and bantam hens I could do probably 18+ total. Bantams or LF only would be 12+. So 18+ eggs would be $3 plus shipping, 12+ would be $2 plus shipping.

ETA: You are in zone 5 for me, so shipping would be $9-$13 depending on how many you want. So 12+ eggs would be $11-$12, 18+ eggs would be $15-$16.
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