WTB or Trade Goose Eggs any breed


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Lonedell, Missouri
I looking for some goose eggs, I got some from the april swap but dont seem to be developing. I really wanted to hatch some out for my mother n law for a late mothersday present. She really wants some for her pond.

It really make no diffrence what kind of geese they are, they can even be mixed. I just looking for 4-6 eggs that way she will get a couple hopefully. I can trade LF EE or rouen duck eggs or could also do a mixture of my flock cant garentee pure blue or black marans yet but Im sure some will be pure, they have just not been in there breeding pen long enough to guarentee pure yet. I would much rather trade but will buy if I need too. Just post what you have or PM me. Thanks Erin
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