Wyandotte and buff cross for meat

I’ve not tried plucking yet at all…I’m typically only doing a handful of birds at a time, and all the setup (and tear down) for plucking would add significant time that I’m not sure is worth it, especially since I pressure cook 100% of my birds. I also don’t have close (less than 2 hours one way) access to a plucker so would be hand plucking and would need to buy/borrow a large pot and a propane burner for scalding as well, adding more overall effort.

Also I’m not sure I could handle the smell of wet birds…I’m likely still carrying some trauma from that one time back in the day that my father in law decided we were going to butcher a bunch of old hens…when it was 90 degrees in the shade and I was 8.5 months pregnant. Zero stars, do not recommend! 😳😳
If I'm baking them in the oven (CX), and they look like they're getting dried out because they don't have skin, I put cheese on top. Cheese fixes everything. :)

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