Wyandotte Runt?


May 5, 2019
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
My Coop
My Coop
I got 4x 1day old chicks and a 2 week old New Hampshire 6 weeks ago from a local lady who breeds a variety of different animals. She's got a great reputation and has been pretty helpful so far.
I've got problems with my one Silver Lacewing Wyandotte- Lilac It doesn't seem to be growing or feathering up like my others. From much googling and reading, I'm still not 100% sure what the issue could be, but I've narrowed it down to 3 options - she's just a runt, she's sick or she's actually a he. I've been keeping an eye on Lilac and how it interacts with the other birds. (S)he seems to be eating and drinking, not being bullied or hen-pecked. (S)he is definitely the loudest chick I have - out-chirping the others by both quantity and volume. See pictures and tell me what you think?
From left to right on the roost - Lilac 6 weeks old. The lacewing in question. Indigo - Australorp also 6 weeks old and Magenta - New Hampshire 8weeks old. Indigo, Violet, Amethyst (Buff orp in the foreground) and Lilac are all the same age. The first 3 are growing great, almost fully feathered, active, strong and feisty. Lilac is little, still fuzzy, really placid and seems a little week. I'm especially concerned because Lilac is my 8yr old daughter's favourite.
These birds do not look the same age! What did they look like when you got them? Any feathers at all?
The NH on the far right is 2 weeks older than the other 2. The tiny one and the middle one are the same age.
NH had some wing feathers (2 weeks old when I got her). The other 4 all came to me as day-olds - little fluff balls of cuteness.
Magenta? From RHPS?
My 5 chooks are all named purples. There's a bit of a story as to miss Magenta. When I first got them, I got 4xday-olds and 1x 2 week old. They were in a box in the cargo area of the car on the way home. I could hear tiny peeps from most of the babies and one VERY loud peep from obviously a single voice. I assumed the big voice was from the 2-weeker and decided on the 30min drive home that she needed a bold, brassy name to go with her voice. The delicate lacewing should get a delicate name, so she's Lilac. The "twin" australorps are Indigo (the darker one) and Violet (the lighter one), and the classy buff orp is Amethyst. Well, when I got home and transferred them from the box to the brooder, Magenta made a tiny peep. And little dainty Lilac?! PEEEEEEP PEEEEEEEP!!!!! Soooooooo loud! Magenta is totally chill and more of a Matronly Madge than a brassy Magenta.
Ok, as long as she has good food she should be fine... Is it at all possible she is a Wyandotte bantam?
The breeder I got them from doesn't have any bantams so I doubt it. She was also the only egg from this mother this season... so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. The breeder said sometimes her Wyandottes are slow to feather and not to worry. But I worry. I think it would break my heart to lose her

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