Wyoming Unite!!!!

At least for now the incubator is empty. I had 8 of 15 shipped guinea eggs hatch and 3 of 4 of my own turkey eggs hatched. The fourth one was infertile. It was my youngest hen's second egg. It and her first egg were infertile.

White guinea keets

Lavender guinea keets
Thanks for the welcome! I currently have eleven mixed hens and an EE rooster. There's one broody with five eggs. The breeds are Barred Rock, Americauna, Silver Laced Wyandot and barnyard mutt. Five of my hens are older and slated for the soup pot this fall. Last year a friend and I raised 50 Red Rangers for the dinner table and were pretty happy with the results. Planning on doing something similar this year but I want to add Turkens to the meat mix. I'll also be incubating some eggs this year.
My hens live in a 6 x 8 coop nick named the Taj Mah Cluck. It's by no means elaborate just built to last. It's not insulated or heated and we haven't had any problems in three years of use. This winter's low was about -30.

My last flock was in CA. I had nine banties.
At least for now the incubator is empty. I had 8 of 15 shipped guinea eggs hatch and 3 of 4 of my own turkey eggs hatched. The fourth one was infertile. It was my youngest hen's second egg. It and her first egg were infertile.

White guinea keets

Lavender guinea keets

This is the first time I've seen white keets. Very cute. You plan to keep these don't you?

I can fill up your incubator real quick for you. I'm getting 7 or 8 guinea eggs a day.

Will you post a picture of your new poults?
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This is the first time I've seen white keets. Very cute. You plan to keep these don't you?

I can fill up your incubator real quick for you. I'm getting 7 or 8 guinea eggs a day.

Will you post a picture of your new poults?

I really think you need a male white guinea so that you can make pied pearl guineas from your pearl hens. All I want is one white hen to keep and if there are any hens among the lavender keets, I would probably keep them. Any males in the bunch are not likely to survive adulthood. They really are delicious. I still have the 2 buff dundotte keets that need a new home also.

I won't post pics of the turkeys that hatched with the keets since they are not even close to being fluffed up and are looking pretty crusty. But here are a couple of the Bourbon Red poults that I received this morning. There are 7 of them that need new homes, 2 of the 9 that I got this morning are already spoken for.

My new hatch! One's splayed legged, but the other 13 are healthy as can be. I'll keep the one but the others I'll sell.

Their so stinking cute!

Ahhh Sweet! Love the little grey ones.
Are you correcting the splayed leg one with a bandaid? I've sold a couple that started out with a splayed leg but after the bandaid was removed I couldn't tell which chick had the problem.
Ahhh Sweet! Love the little grey ones.
Are you correcting the splayed leg one with a bandaid? I've sold a couple that started out with a splayed leg but after the bandaid was removed I couldn't tell which chick had the problem.
I am, poor little guy wouldn't have made it without it. If I don't get the rest of them sold right away and he's in good shape I'll go ahead and sell him too, I'm just waiting to see how things go.
Hi Scott
I saw this post and had to respond. Where are you getting feed for your birds? We're looking at raising some meat birds and would like to find a cheaper source.



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