Wyoming Unite!!!!

Hello Everyone I have been reading a lot on this Form and learning tons.
Last march I started out with 16 Day old Gold Lace Wyandotte and ended up losing one at 3 days old.
Ended up with 10 Roos and 5 hens I lost 1 of each to a predator
I have 4 hens and 5 Roos now.
The hens are laying really well I get 3-4 eggs a day.
I just wanted to see if anyone has Hatching eggs in N.W. WY.
Thanks everyone and have a great day.
Being a very new chicken-keeper, I have only 8: 3 white leghorns, 2 barred rocks, 3 easter eggers. They are all about 8 months old. I would love to get some heritage breeds, eventually. I am also interested in whether people might have fertile eggs around for purchase (or trade?). I'm not interested in having a rooster, but if one of my hens goes broody, I'd love to put some viable eggs under her and hatch some of our own....
I'm from Riverton, I have variety of chickens I have 15 hens and 3 roos. I have two roos that are Cochin (Nimby and Pumpkin) and the other one is a New Hampshire red(named wheezy, he has always whistled when he breathes). My chickens are revolting in the egg laying area right now, I am down to 2 to 3 eggs a day. Because it has been so cold I have had to resort to putting my ducks in the chicken coop, and the chickens strongly dislike it. No one fights, but they do have a chicken area and a duck area sorted out amongst themselves. lol. My ducks have completely stopped laying, feisty birds. Any one else having birds not laying?

This is Nimby.

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