Wyoming Unite!!!!

I just found these beautiful birds on craigslist and thought maybe someone on here would be interested in them! https://wyoming.craigslist.org/grd/d/swedish-flower-hens-similar/6355221107.html
Not my birds, you'll have to contact the individual through craigslist if you're interested. @Jammy Dodger - I may be hatching some Black Australorps (and others) down the road. If you still haven't found any by then anyways ;)
Fantastic! Yes please let me know if you do hatch out some Black Australorps I would surely be wanting a few ( 4 ? females ) .Hope you enjoy today because sounds like "Winter" is coming tonight. Be safe.
I will keep you posted for sure! All of my pullets should start laying soon :D The chicks would be straight run would be the only thing, unless you would want them as pullets to help guarantee you only get hens? Yes, it looks like tomorrow is going to be a bit brisk and wet for sure!!
Come together people who live in Wyoming.
Please share your storys about your flock and such.
I live in Sheridan, Wyoming .
ME TOO !!!!! No chickens yet though. Working on Australorps.
We had a 51 mph wind gust this morning! Tore part of the plastic roof on the greenhouse. Snow flurries but no accumulation. Don't know if I'm ready for this yet! :tongue

Ready or not! It's still coming down here but all the wind isn't allowing for much accumulation.
Anyone else getting snow today?

Brrr, it's brisk out there!
I got about an inch before it stopped. The high temp for today happened at midnight and it has been going down ever since.

Still working on cleaning up the broken and trimmed branches. I had to take a break this morning since 6 deer told me I was interrupting their morning snack and asked if I would please get out of their way. As soon as I moved away they were immediately at the pile of branches feasting on the olives.

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