Wyoming Unite!!!!

I started collecting on the 15th. Some of the hens are laying very well and some are not.

The wind stopped for a while but has come back up and is now blowing from the west. The sun is shining and the temperature is rapidly rising due to the west wind. It is already -4°F now but feels much colder than when it was -20°F with no wind.

Will you have enough to fill the incubator? Do you worry about the eggs getting chilled before you find them? There I go with questions again. :D

The sun is shining brightly with no wind this morning. Up to - 5 last time I looked.
ended up with 5 chicks from my broody. :celebrate
Will you have enough to fill the incubator? Do you worry about the eggs getting chilled before you find them? There I go with questions again. :D

The sun is shining brightly with no wind this morning. Up to - 5 last time I looked.
I collect eggs many times during the day so don't worry about them getting too cold. If they hatch, fine and if they don't that will be fine also.

I certainly hope that I don't get enough eggs to fill my incubator. If that happened I would be flooded with chicks. I currently have 23 eggs with the two I collected this morning and expect 4 more eggs today. I will hold onto them until the 1st of March before firing up the incubator.
Hi everyone, 21 degrees below at the home here in Sheridan. Around 13 inches of snow from storm over the last 3 days. 16 chicks being shipped from Hoover's in Rudd Iowa today, 2 black australorps, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 cinnamon queen, 2 california white, 2dominque, 2isa brown, 2 silver laced wyandotte, 2 tetra brown. Everything ready, very anxious and excited. First time chick Dad.:wee

Keep us posted on your chicks, hope they get to you ok!
Just fired up my incubator too! Nothing special just from a mixed flock and favorite lavender ameraucana rooster. My sister is coming out and is curious about hatching chickens. :) Too bad the incubator is in her room she gets to listen to the "cheep cheeping".

So what breeds does everyone here have? I have a mixed flock and am thinking about letting my barred rocks and sex link go. (They are mean and not my favorite) And getting some Ameraucanas or EE or something that lays blue eggs.
Just fired up my incubator too! Nothing special just from a mixed flock and favorite lavender ameraucana rooster. My sister is coming out and is curious about hatching chickens. :) Too bad the incubator is in her room she gets to listen to the "cheep cheeping".

So what breeds does everyone here have? I have a mixed flock and am thinking about letting my barred rocks and sex link go. (They are mean and not my favorite) And getting some Ameraucanas or EE or something that lays blue eggs.
I used to have Welsummers but let them go to concentrate on my Rose Comb Legbar project. I do have some Cream Legbars and a couple White Leghorn hens so that I can create Sapphires which are an F1 generation of a Cream Legbar rooster over a White Leghorn hen. They are mostly white with some spotting and some have small crests and some do not. They are slightly larger than their leghorn mothers. They lay a light blue egg that is large to extra large and they lay nearly as well as the White Leghorns they came from. They will not breed true so are only Sapphires for that first generation.

My Rose Comb Legbars and Cream Legbars lay blue eggs or should if the Legbars they come from do not happen to have any brown egg genes which could cause them to be green.

I won't have any Cream Legbars in this batch since I have the Cream Legbar hens in with an F2 Rose Comb Legbar rooster.
Just fired up my incubator too! Nothing special just from a mixed flock and favorite lavender ameraucana rooster. My sister is coming out and is curious about hatching chickens. :) Too bad the incubator is in her room she gets to listen to the "cheep cheeping".

So what breeds does everyone here have? I have a mixed flock and am thinking about letting my barred rocks and sex link go. (They are mean and not my favorite) And getting some Ameraucanas or EE or something that lays blue eggs.

I hope your hatch goes well. Where are you located in Wyoming?

My broody ended up with 5 chicks Monday and it is so neat to see those little ones running around already. The 5 new chicks look like a mixed bag with 1 or 2 Welsummer crosses. a Faverolle cross, 2 Australorp crosses and a possible Speckled Sussex. After studying them for a while my guess on sex is 2 female and 3 male. We'll see how that turns out.

My flock consists of a little bit of everything. Last summer I kept Welsummers, Australorp and some show quality Speckled Sussex. I have 5 roosters right now and usually 7 to 10. So when I hatch mixed breed chicks I never know what I'll get! :)
Just fired up my incubator too! Nothing special just from a mixed flock and favorite lavender ameraucana rooster. My sister is coming out and is curious about hatching chickens. :) Too bad the incubator is in her room she gets to listen to the "cheep cheeping".

So what breeds does everyone here have? I have a mixed flock and am thinking about letting my barred rocks and sex link go. (They are mean and not my favorite) And getting some Ameraucanas or EE or something that lays blue eggs.

I got my chicks from @R2elk last April. I have his Welsummer, Cream Legbars and a Sapphire.

Best of luck with your hatch!
I got my chicks from @R2elk last April. I have his Welsummer, Cream Legbars and a Sapphire.

Best of luck with your hatch!
So did I! When I found out @R2elk was getting rid of his Welsummers I got some chicks and a dozen of the Welsummer eggs to hatch. I kept 5 of the Welsummer chicks but unfortunately the rooster died. So I have the 4 Welsummer pullets and they are mostly mating with a white rooster from a Sapphire hen.
So did I! When I found out R2elk was getting rid of his Welsummers I got some chicks and a dozen of the Welsummer eggs to hatch. I kept 5 of the Welsummer chicks but unfortunately the rooster died. So I have the 4 Welsummer pullets and they are mostly mating with a white rooster from a Sapphire hen.

If I had more coop space, I'd be coming up to see you for a couple of SS...love those. Maybe some day!

Bob's birds get around, don't they :D

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