Wyoming Unite!!!!

I appear to have a new resident. It seems to live in my junipers during the daytime.
Great Horned Owl





Beautiful bird, but I hope he/she doesn't decide to help him/herself to your flock.
Beautiful bird, but I hope he/she doesn't decide to help him/herself to your flock.
Welcome to the thread.

My flock is safe. The owl doesn't bother the adult turkeys and all other poultry are secure in their coops at night when the owl hunts.

As long as it just hunts the mice, voles and collared doves, I have no problems with it. Unfortunately they do love the bunnies too and there is nothing I can do to protect the cottontails.
Who all is expecting snow today?

We are but maybe just 1-3" later today (I'm in Carbon county).

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