Wyoming Unite!!!!

It's sprinkling out right now. The cold front moved in a few days ago and snow is in the forecast but has not showed up yet. It is currently 37°F so today may be the day.

I "liked" that but don't know if I should have or not :p Our night time temps are going to be in the 20's for the next few.

Did you get your garden cleared out of veggies Bob?
Light rain here in Sheridan and 35 F . I wrapped the girls run yesterday in 6 mill plastic because of the predicted cold and snow headed our way . This will be there first winter in a challenging Northern Wyoming winter . Left about 6 in. open on the run for ventilation and the area under there coop door . Fingers crossed for not too brutally cold winter .:frow
The snow we had last Friday was mostly gone by the next day. We've had a few nice days since then to get prepared for what will be coming for the next week. The 7 day forecast for Buffalo shows 5 days with snow. Nights in the 20's. :tongue

Our garden is now empty. Hubby just brought in the last 3 kohlrabi and 5 tiny little cucumbers. All the green tomatoes have been picked. So he just needs to empty the rain barrels and growing season is done.

Notice the days are getting a LOT shorter. All the poultry is on the roost by 6:30 pm. I understand what the old saying means 'going to bed with the chickens'. All I want to do is sleep until spring! :old
I "liked" that but don't know if I should have or not :p Our night time temps are going to be in the 20's for the next few.

Did you get your garden cleared out of veggies Bob?
I still have the carrots and potatoes to dig along with one cabbage and a small cauliflower. I ran a craigslist ad to give away the tomatoes but only got one taker so there are still tomatoes in all stages. Guess the poultry will be happy with them and all the cantaloupe and watermelon that did not mature in time. I ended up with at least 26 qts. of hot & sweet pickle slices and hot dill pickles combined.

The pumpkins are in the house waiting to either be given away or fed to the poultry.

I got the first 10 1-1/2 lb. honey bears filled with lots more to go. My shoulder is sore from turning the crank on the extractor.

I did break down and started a fire this morning. Still waiting for the house to warm up. It makes dealing with the honey easier.
It's been cold, foggy and drizzly here all day. The golf course isn't due to close until Oct. 15th but no one's been out for the past 3 days (not that I blame them!). @red horse ranch I'm not ready to hibernate yet but this weather today sure makes a nap sound like a good idea.

Bob, kind of surprised you didn't get more takers on the tomatoes...home grown are always so much better than the store ones. Sounds like your birds are going to be eating good!
Too bad those tomatoes are over 100 miles away.....:(
It's not like I didn't make use of plenty of them since I canned 32 qts. of tomatoes, 24 pts. of tomato juice and 15 pts. of green tomato relish. That doesn't even count any of the many I had as sandwiches and in salads plus the ones picked and eaten in the garden.
So Wyomingites should we be refrigerating the eggs we collect this winter right away since its so cold or can they be put on the counter like we do during the summer?
They can be kept on the counter if that is what you are used to doing. I automatically put the ones that I am not saving for incubation in the refrigerator because that is how we did it when I was growing up. Another reason for me is that I seldom use eggs so keeping them on the counter could cause mine to go bad before I get around to using them.

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