yak yak yak, how do I get them to be quiet at night?



12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
I have 11 guineas who spend the night in a dog run with a tarp over it in the back yard. at night we have no outdoor lights on when we go to bed, yet the guineas squawk in unison all night long.. During the day they like to come to the front porch and squawk till I run them off. They then settle in front of their run and sleep on the ground in the sun. WHY aren't they sleeping at night like the ducks and chickens? How do I get them to shush? or sleep at night?
Do they have roosts up high in the run?
They like to roost high up at night. Mine used to roost onto of the highest peak of my barn...when I had them.
That would be my suggestion. Mine sleep on the highest beam in the barn while the chickens sleep lower in there. I'll go in at night and hear them snoring - more like a low whistle - sound asleep. Guineas love high.

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