YAY! After failing in Public Safety we PASSED in City Council!! (Hudson, Wisconsin)


8 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hudson, WI
I started Hudson Urban Chickens back at the end of March and submitted our first proposal letter to our city in April. We were voted DOWN in Public Safety with 2 votes against, and 1 in support. We have worked VERY very hard gathering support (we have over 220 people on our Facebook page). We have put in hours upon hours upon all-nighter's working to put together a packet and power point presentation. We have contacted city councilor's and mayors and animal control people across the country and have received written testimony from all. A Seattle councilor even sent PERSONAL emails to our city's council and mayor with a written letter and offering to talk with any over the phone. We had individual meetings with our own councilor's to discuss their concerns and provide them information. All of this hard work paid off!

Our city council meeting was last night. We had a ROOM full of supporters. So many that people were standing and watching from the hall way. We gave our power point presentation and then some of our supporters spoke and read letter's. Then the council deliberated. There were concerns from one councilor that predators would be attracted. She said we already have coyote in our city and we see them during the day! She said she worried about the number of people getting chickens. She wanted to ensure that there were strict guidelines in place. Another councilor said he did not believe rural and urban should mix (he was one of our "no" votes in Public Safety). He said people move into certain areas with the expectation that it will stay that way. In the end, we ended up with a 5 to 1 vote to PASS, we changed the mind of one councilor who initially was strongly apposed in Public Safety! We will now be in Public Safety again NEXT week for deliberations on ordinance wording. After a drafted ordinance is in place it will go back to the council for a vote on approval of the wording, etc...

Chicken's are coming to Hudson!!!

If you would like to see, use/copy anything in our packet - please do. We couldn't have done it all without the countless of other city's that had done the same and put together such great information.

This is our packet: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GsqycZOi3tY3ZLRHNtSnUtZjg/edit?usp=sharing

This is our power point: http://ci.hudson.wi.us/DocumentCenter/View/370

Thank you to everyone on these boards who helped us while dealing with some rather "crazy" concerns our council had brought up in Public Safety. Your help in answering their concerns was invaluable.


congrats---it wasn't as tough in Nekoosa---only alderman opposed was our neighbor(2 houses down) but hopefully he will never notice--had to get adjoining neighbors written permission but that was no prob

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