Yellow Golden Pheasant: Male or Female?


6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
Hello Pheasant Lovers!

Can anyone help me determine the sex of my Yellow Golden Pheasant?

It's exactly 5mos old in the pictures below (taken a day ago). I first thought it's a male--since it has blue eyes that changed into dark yellow/brown. It also has a tear spot under the eyes. But now, I'm unsure since its tail looks more like a female. Its red golden siblings, on the other hand, I can easily sex visually already--the tails of the red sibling males are looking more like the adult males. Only this particular yellow hasn't shown changes in the tail yet (assuming it's a male).

Any comments and opinions are greatly appreciated. I'm planning on getting this YG a mate, which is why I want to be sure of its gender first.

Thank you very much!

(Here are the pictures taken with NO FLASH | 5mos old YG)

(Here are pictures taken WITH FLASH | 5mos old YG)

Any comments? Male or Female?

Thank you!
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It's a female. Don't go by the eye color. males and females tails are completely different.Hens are barred, males are spotted.Chest pattern is also different.
Young males will show some coloring also. I have young males that have a lot of adult coloring for young birds.
Can you take some of the top of his head. I also have chicks that were born on the 4th of july and I have noticed my females are alot darker in their top feathers and the males have some yellow tint and that is what I saw on the chest. I will take some of mine and maybe you can compare them.
It's a female. Don't go by the eye color. males and females tails are completely different.Hens are barred, males are spotted.Chest pattern is also different.
Young males will show some coloring also. I have young males that have a lot of adult coloring for young birds.

At first, I thought it's a male, basing it through the eye color--since it was blue but then changed in time to dark yellow/brown. But what concerned me is the appearance of its tail. It looks more like a hen's tail. If it makes any difference, the crown head of this YG has some mustard yellowing. Does that make it a male (It's still quite hard for me to tell, since some females will also get 'yellowing' on it's head)? Will post some pictures in a while. Thank you for commenting, Sir Alien!
Can you take some of the top of his head. I also have chicks that were born on the 4th of july and I have noticed my females are alot darker in their top feathers and the males have some yellow tint and that is what I saw on the chest. I will take some of mine and maybe you can compare them.

Here are the close-up pictures of its head, chest, and tail. I hope these helps. It does have some yellow tint on its crown around the top of the beak.


These birds look awesome, Sir Redgolden1! How old are they in these picture? Mine does have some yellow coloring on the head, but as for its tail, it looks more like your two females. I'm having quite a hard time with this particular bird's gender (Its sibling red goldens are much easier to sex. Ahaha).
They are just over 5 months old if you had both sexes it would be easy to tell by now ! I will take some more pics of them today

I never had both sexes of juvenile YGs before. The siblings of this YG are actually all RGs. It's the only odd-man-out of the bunch. Guess it's a female then. Thanks Sir Redgolden1 for the help! I appreciate it!


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