Yellow Spots on Prince Charming's Waddles

Pretty Pony

13 Years
Dec 2, 2008
Ft. Smith, AR
What a horrible summer! First, its too hot and I have been treating the girls for CRD. Now my dear Prince Charming (see my avatar) walking around stiff and sore footed. So I am thinking he has Bumblefoot. I gather him up, noticeably unsteady, and not moving well. He is still eating and in good weight (thank goodness). I give him a good once over and he has a "wound" on his head, which I cleaned and sprayed with Bactine. I noticed all these yellow spots on both sides of his waddles. I gave him 1cc of Penicillin for good measure and came right to the BYF to figure out what to do next!

Any help?
I am still doctoring this rooster. He is walking better, eating good. His head wound isn't much better, and the yellow spot on his waddles is big and swollen. What now? What am I doing wrong!!??
I'm sorry your Prince Charming's still not quite well. Do chickens get skin staph infections? Could his immune system use some boosting to help combat this? What about some probiotics for him, like a low dish of yogurt every day? Does he free-range in a grassy yard, or is he living in a pen? If living in a pen, what about some freshly grated carrots, shredded lettuce, defrosted cheap frozen corn kernels from the grocery, and mealworms? Thinking of helping his body fight this off. What topical is safe for wounds on the skin/head? I'm hoping someone more experienced can help you. Sending good thoughts for Prince Charming.
I free range everyday but all the poultry is locked up at night. I lost 4 hens a few weeks ago (hawk attack?) during the daylight and just feel better when everything is shut in at night.

I have been doctoring the comb with a wound salve daily, and his waddle wound? is much large than the original photo I posted. I have a canola based multi-vitamin he just started getting this week. I did have to dust him with DE about a month ago and that has helped a lot. I even greased his legs with vasoline for mites, too.

He is still active and eating, but when I hold him, he still opens his beak to breathe as if still stressed?
Bumping this thread up, hoping that someone with more experience might be able to help you. Since it's been a month and a half and the wound is larger, plus he's doing stress-breathing while being handled, might you consider at this point bringing Prince Charming to a vet? Here's hoping all goes well for Prince Charming and that you are able to help him feel much better.
Every vet I have called so far just laughs at me!

"What, you are bringing in a rooster? Sorry madam we only see dogs and cats. "
Me: "I realize you are a small animal vet, but can you just take a look at my PRIZE SHOW ROOSTER, please?"
"Ah, sorry we only see dogs and cats, madam"
New Photos added!

Here's what the comb and wattle wounds look like today. This is after I have been treating it for over a month. I did scrape the scab off a couple times, then treated it but might have just made things worse. I have also added a photo of Prince Charming's feet which look like he had scale mites, too! UGH!

I have Vaselined his legs, given him vitamins each night and put black shoe polish on his comb and the biggest spot on his wattles. I have also started putting an olive oil based product called ZonOx Oil, which is AMAZING and I use it all the time on my skin. Hopefully I will see some sort of improvement soon

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